As public health officials and national governments work to contain the coronavirus outbreak, OSCE parliamentarians have been speaking out on various aspects of the crisis to ensure that the responses of governments respect democratic standards and that the most vulnerable are protected.
In op-eds, OSCE PA members have focused on issues such as the role of parliaments and the need to uphold human rights. Press releases have covered topics including data and privacy, the plight of migrants and refugees, domestic violence, and fake news.
COVID-19 Op-Eds, Articles, Reports and Statements
- Practical implications of the SIMA studies on COVID-19 containment for the attention of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly - 17 November 2020
- COVID-19 puts more children at risk of exploitation - 28 October 2020
- Is COVID-19 accelerating digitalisation or exposing the digital divide? - 25 June 2020
- Report by the Special Representative on Gender Issues: “The Gendered Impacts of COVID-19’’
- Protecting the European Security Order during the corona outbreak - 29 May 2020
- War & Peace podcast featuring PA Pres. Tsereteli: The OSCE's Role in a COVID-19 World - 18 May 2020
- Pandemic makes women and children more vulnerable to trafficking - 4 May 2020
- Debatt: Värna den europeiska säkerhetsordningen - 24 April 2020
- Applying principles of co-operation and comprehensive security to the coronavirus crisis - 22 April 2020
- COVID-19’s economic impact will be profound, and so too should be our response - 21 April 2020
- The COVID-19 pandemic: multilateralism and parliaments - 20 April 2020
- Parliaments must continue to function and serve the people during the coronavirus pandemic - 31 March 2020
- Coronavirus pandemic reminds us that emergencies are the time to abide by our principles, not abandon them - 31 March 2020
Message from OSCE PA SG Montella on launch of video challenge #WeAreOSCEPA
"With our countries in varying degrees of lockdown, many of us find ourselves in the unfamiliar territory of telecommuting and working remotely. This can be isolating and difficult, especially for those of us who work in fields of politics and diplomacy – where meeting face to face and shaking hands is an integral part of the job. But while we are all practicing social distancing and doing our part to slow the spread of COVID-19, we also must continue our work on behalf of the citizens of the OSCE, many of whom are in much more difficult circumstances. This is why I am encouraging all members and staff of the OSCE PA to join in an online video challenge. I am calling on OSCE parliamentarians to post videos to with messages of support to their constituents and to the people of the OSCE area."
OSCE PA Secretary General Roberto Montella
COVID-19-Related Press Releases
- Heads of OSCE parliamentary delegations meet online for discussions on activities during COVID-19, organizational reform and geopolitical challenges - 7 July 2020
- In discussions with EU officials, OSCE parliamentarians focus on enhancing migration co-operation during pandemic - 6 July 2020
- Taking stock of latest terrorism trends, joint OSCE PA-PAM-UNOCT event builds regional and international co-operation against violent extremism - 30 June 2020
- OSCE PA leadership meeting with Andorra, Monaco, San Marino and Liechtenstein provides forum to share common challenges related to COVID-19 - 23 June 2020
- OSCE PA webinar explores challenges faced by minorities and vulnerable populations during COVID-19 pandemic - 22 June 2020
- Including women in decision-making key to effective and gender-sensitive COVID-19 responses, participants say in OSCE Parliamentary Assembly webinar - 15 June 2020
- Central Asian OSCE PA delegations discuss regional co-operation in fighting COVID-19 - 9 June 2020
- Делегации ПА ОБСЕ из стран Центральной Азии обсудили вопросы регионального сотрудничества в борьбе с COVID-19 - 9 June 2020
- Parliamentarians, experts and officials from UN and OSCE meet online to discuss counter-terrorism in an era of pandemic - 5 June 2020
- Lessons learned from COVID-19 crisis should help revitalize multilateralism, OSCE Secretary General Greminger tells PA leaders - 29 May 2020
- Protecting refugees and migrants from COVID-19 essential for protecting wider society, participants say in OSCE PA webinar - 26 May 2020
- Online forum promotes regional dialogue in southeastern Europe with leaders of PA Delegations and heads of OSCE field operations - 25 May 2020
- COVID-19 recovery must be a turning point for environmental protection, participants say in OSCE PA webinar - 22 May 2020
- COVID-19’s impact on conflicts in focus during OSCE Parliamentary Assembly webinar - 15 May 2020
- States of emergency stress-testing democracy, OSCE parliamentarians hear in COVID-focused webinar - 8 May 2020
- Good governance must not be a victim of the COVID-19 crisis, says OSCE PA Special Representative on Fighting Corruption Charalambides - 8 May 2020
- Don’t forget those behind bars during coronavirus pandemic, OSCE PA human rights leaders say - 29 April 2020
- PA Bureau leaders meet online, hear from OSCE Chairperson-in-Office and EU Commissioner, discuss activities in the period of COVID-19 - 28 April 2020
- Comprehensive security approach needed for global response to COVID-19, OSCE leaders say ahead of International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace - 23 April 2020
- OSCE parliamentarians focus on economic security fallout of COVID-19 pandemic in first-ever webinar - 23 April 2020
- Parliaments vital for strong democracies in times of crisis, OSCE human rights and parliamentary heads say - 21 April 2020
- Joint Statement on the Role of Parliaments in a Time of Pandemic - 16 April 2020
- OSCE parliamentarians endorse UN SG’s global ceasefire call, discuss European response to COVID-19 pandemic and plan PA activities - 09 April 2020
- Expressing the United States’ Solidarity with Friends and Allies In Europe – Statement by Richard Hudson - 08 April 2020
- Data can help save lives, but must be managed with great caution, say OSCE PA human rights leaders - 08 April 2020
- Urgent action needed on migrants and asylum seekers at risk of COVID-19, says OSCE PA’s Cederfelt - 03 April 2020
- Protection from domestic violence urgently needed for women and children under stay-at-home orders, say OSCE officials - 02 April 2020
- Indefinite rule by decree in Hungary's COVID-19 response a serious concern, say OSCE PA human rights leaders - 01 April 2020
- Briefed by Lombardy Region President, OSCE PA leadership discusses steps forward during coronavirus crisis - 27 March 2020
- OSCE PA President urges co-ordination and solidarity in response to coronavirus crisis, with emphasis on human rights and economic measures - 17 March 2020
- Urgent need to counter 'fake news' on coronavirus outbreak and make accurate information more accessible for citizens, says OSCE PA’s Mina - 11 March 2020
- Europe should show solidarity with Greece in coping with migration emergency, says OSCE PA’s Pritchard in Athens - 06 March 2020