Lucie Potůčková (Czechia) was elected Chair at the 2023 Annual Session in Vancouver.
Previous to being elected to the Chamber of Deputies, Ms. Potůčková served as the Mayor of Mladé Buky.
As a member of the Czech Republic’s Chamber of Deputies with the Mayors & Independents (STAN) since 2021, she has served as the Vice-Chairwoman of the Committee for European Affairs since 2021. She is also a member of the Constitutional and Legal Committee and the Mandate and Immunity Committee since 2021. She is a member of the Subcommittee for European Finds, Cross-Border Cooperation, and Green Transformation, the Subcommittee for Issues of Domestic and Sexual Violence, the Subcommittee for External Economic Affairs, and the Subcommittee for Energy.
A lawyer by training, Ms. Potůčková attained her degree from the Faculty of Law of Masaryk University.
She has served as a member of the Czechia Delegation to the OSCE PA since 2021.