Birgir Thórarinsson (Iceland) - Chair

Hudson 2019 PictureBirgir Thórarinsson (Iceland) was elected by acclamation as Chair of the Political and Security Committee at the Annual Session in July 2024.

Mr Thórarinsson is Head of the Icelandic delegation to the OSCE PA. He has been serving as Member of Parliament since 2017 where he currently sits in the Foreign Affairs Committee since 2021. He also acts as 2nd Deputy Chair for the Industrial Affairs Committee.

Besides his involvement in the OSCE PA delegation, Mr Thórarinsson  has also been a Member of the Icelandic delegation to the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly since 2021.

Before entering politics, Mr Thórarinsson covered roles in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2021), worked at the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Middle East (2014–2016), and ran his own tourism businesses (2012-2014). He also served as police officer (1986–1990), firefighter (1991–1996), and manager of the Fire Brigade's communications department (1997–2005).

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