Documents 2


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pdf Report of Secretary General Roberto Montella to the Standing Committee, Annual Session, 29 June 2024
pdf Renewal of the mandate of the Secretary General of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly OSCE PA Rules of Procedure Art. 40
pdf Report of Secretary General Roberto Montella to the Standing Committee, Winter Meeting, 23 February 2024
pdf Report of Secretary General Roberto Montella to the Standing Committee, Autumn Meeting, 18 November 2023
pdf Report of Secretary General Roberto Montella to the Standing Committee, Annual Session, 30 June 2023
pdf Report of Secretary General Roberto Montella to the Standing Committee, Winter Meeting, 24 February 2023
pdf Report of Secretary General Roberto Montella to the Standing Committee, Autumn Meeting, 25 November 2022
pdf Report of Secretary General Roberto Montella to the Standing Committee, Annual Session, 2 July 2022 - ENG
pdf Report of Secretary General Roberto Montella to the Standing Committee, Annual Session, 2 July 2022 - RUS
pdf Report of Secretary General Roberto Montella to the Standing Committee, Annual Session, 2 July 2022 - FRE
pdf Report of Secretary General Roberto Montella to the Standing Committee, Vienna, 24 February 2022 - ENG
pdf Report of Secretary General Roberto Montella to the Standing Committee, Vienna, 24 February 2022 - RUS
pdf Report of Secretary General Roberto Montella to the Standing Committee, Autumn Meeting, 3 November 2021 - ENG
pdf Report of Secretary General Roberto Montella to the Standing Committee, Autumn Meeting, 3 November 2021 - RUS
pdf Report of Secretary General Roberto Montella to the Standing Committee, Remote Session, 5 July 2021 - ENG
pdf Report of Secretary General Roberto Montella to the Standing Committee, Remote Session, 5 July 2021 - RUS
pdf Intervention of OSCE PA Secretary General Roberto Montella, High-Level Conference “The OSCE Astana Summit Historical Significance and Relevance”, 19 February 2021
pdf Report of Secretary General Roberto Montella to the Standing Committee, Vienna, 24 February 2021 - ENG
pdf Report of Secretary General Roberto Montella to the Standing Committee, Vienna, 24 February 2021 - RUS
pdf Message from OSCE PA Secretary General Roberto Montella on the beginning of his second term in office, 23 December 2020
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