Documents 2


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pdf Opening remarks to "OSCE Security Policy – Female Perspectives" conference - 23 March 2017 (GER)
pdf Remarks at the OSCE's Economic and Environmental Committee, 8 March 2017
pdf Speech to the IPU Summit of Women Speakers of Parliament, 12 Dec. 2016
pdf Speech to the OSCE Ministerial Council, 8 December 2016
pdf Speech to NATO PA Annual Session, 21 Nov. 2016
pdf Address to the OSCE Permanent Council, 27 October 2016
pdf Speech to the opening of OSCE/ODIHR Human Dimension Implementation Meeting - 19 Sept. 2016 (ENG)
pdf Remarks to the European Conference of Presidents of Parliament in Strasbourg - 15 Sept. 2016 (ENG)
pdf Remarks to the European Conference of Presidents of Parliament in Strasbourg - 15 Sept. 2016 (GER)
pdf Address to the IPA CIS Plenary Session in St. Petersburg - 20 May 2016
pdf Address to the IPA CIS Council in St. Petersburg - 19 May 2016
pdf Remarks to open the special debate on the crisis of migrants and refugees, Winter Meeting, Vienna, 26 Feb 2016
pdf Opening address at the Winter Meeting, Vienna, 25 Feb 2016
pdf Address to the OSCE Ministerial Council, Belgrade, 3 Dec 2015
pdf Address to the OSCE Permanent Council, Vienna, 19 Nov 2015
pdf Address to the Russian Parliamentary Forum: “The role of parliaments in ensuring international security in contemporary conditions,” Moscow, 1 Oct 2015
pdf Opening address at the Autumn Meeting, Ulaanbaatar, 16 Sep 2015
pdf Remarks to the IPU World Conference of Speakers of Parliament, UN Headquarters, 1 Sept 2015
pdf Opening address at the Annual Session, Helsinki, 6 July 2015
pdf Opening remarks at fifth OSCE PA Helsinki +40 seminar, Belgrade, 27 May 2015
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