Mecacci to head election observers in Serbia

Matteo-Mecacci-Italy-RapporteurCOPENHAGEN, 1 May 2012 – The OSCE PA observation mission to Serbia this week will include more than 35 participants. The delegation to observe the country's 6 May parliamentary elections will be led by Matteo Mecacci (Italy).

OSCE Chair-in-Office and Irish Deputy Prime Minister Eamon Gilmore appointed Mecacci Special Co-ordinator to head the short-term OSCE observer mission.

Mecacci, a member of the Italian parliament and chair of the OSCE PA's human rights committee, participated in several election observation missions in the past, including serving as deputy head of the observation mission to the 2011 presidential election in Kazakhstan.

"Serbia has come along way in a relatively short time to strengthen its commitment to democracy," said Mecacci. "I hope we will observe an election this week that can be seen as a success story for the wider OSCE region."

The OSCE will assess the Serbian elections for their conformity with the OSCE commitments as stated in the 1990 Copenhagen Document, to which the country has subscribed. Mecacci will deliver the post-election statement on behalf of the OSCE at a news conference on Monday 7 May.



Nat Parry

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