OSCE PA-Luxembourg Memorandum of Understanding signed during high-level visit



180624 lux photoOSCE PA President Pia Kauma and His Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Luxembourg Henri, 17 June 2024LUXEMBOURG, 18 June 2024 – OSCE Parliamentary Assembly President Pia Kauma (Finland) and Secretary General Roberto Montella have been in Luxembourg this week to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that provides the Assembly with additional financial support to bolster activities in Southeast and Eastern Europe. Effective for a period of four years starting from 1 January 2025, the MoU provides for an extra-budgetary contribution to strengthen collaborative efforts in parliamentary diplomacy and the promotion of peace, security, and human rights.

President Kauma and Secretary General Montella were received at the highest level in Luxembourg, meeting yesterday with HRH the Grand Duke Henri, and today with HE Claude Wiseler, Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies. Meetings were also held with Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee Gusty Graas, Luxembourg’s Delegation to the OSCE PA, headed by Gilles Baum, and members of the Standing Committee and the Committee on Foreign and European Affairs.

Topics of discussion included recent political developments in Southeast Europe, the Russian Federation’s war against Ukraine, the Israel-Hamas conflict and repercussions in the OSCE region, the institutional situation of the OSCE, and Luxembourg’s contribution within the framework of the OSCE.

President Kauma expressed the PA’s gratitude for Luxembourg’s commitment to multilateralism and for generously supporting the OSCE’s mission of promoting security, democracy, and human rights across the region. She particularly welcomed Luxembourg’s belief in the critical role of parliamentary diplomacy in fostering dialogue and co-operation.

“The Memorandum of Understanding just agreed to by Luxembourg will provide the OSCE PA with crucial support aimed at bolstering activities in Southeast and Eastern Europe,” President Kauma said. “The positive impact of this support could not come at a better time and will go a long way toward advancing parliamentary diplomacy and strengthening democratic institutions in the region.”

Secretary General Montella added that the support will focus on bolstering of activities in key areas of the OSCE PA’s acquis. “The OSCE PA is very grateful for Luxembourg’s generosity and will ensure that our commitment to fiscal responsibility will maximize the impact of the funding,” Montella said.

Both Kauma and Montella stressed that they look forward to the participation of Luxembourg’s Delegation at the 31st Annual Session, taking place from 29 June to 3 July 2024 in Bucharest, Romania.

Photos of the visit are available for public use on Flickr.



Nat Parry

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