OSCE PA President Pia Kauma urges greater co-operation on security concerns at Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean Plenary Session



160524 Pia Kauma in Braga 1Pia Kauma addresses Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean Plenary Session in Braga, Portugal, 16 May 2024BRAGA, 16 May 2024 – OSCE PA President Pia Kauma (Finland) addressed the 18th Plenary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean in Braga, Portugal, today, highlighting the intrinsic security link between the OSCE region and the Mediterranean region and the need for enhanced co-operation to tackle security challenges of common concern.

In her address, President Kauma underscored the longstanding partnership between the OSCE and Mediterranean countries, noting the valuable exchange of experiences and best practices facilitated by the OSCE with its Mediterranean Partners since the inception of the organization.

“Climate change, counterterrorism, and migration are among the myriad security concerns impacting both OSCE participating states and Mediterranean countries alike,” noted President Kauma. “As parliamentarians, it is crucial we confront these challenges collectively, striving for sustainable solutions that can foster peace, stability, and prosperity in our regions.”

President Kauma met with representatives from Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, and Palestine on the margins of the session, discussing the most pressing security issues facing the countries of the Mediterranean, and exploring avenues for parliamentary contributions to aid resolving the ongoing crisis in the Middle East. “I am particularly grateful to I had the opportunity to meet and discuss with the delegates of the Parliamentary Assembly for the Mediterranean today, as we work towards strengthening the ties between our respective assemblies,” President Kauma noted.

“The escalating crisis in the Middle East, notably the worsening humanitarian conditions and the ongoing hostage situation in the Gaza Strip, has been central to discussions in the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly. Thus, this PAM session here in Braga presented a crucial opportunity to directly exchange with countries impacted by the recent developments,” Kauma added.

160524 Pia Kauma in Braga 2PAM President and Speaker of the House of Councillors of the Kingdom of Morocco Enaam Mayara, OSCE PA President Pia Kauma and PAM Secretary General Ambassador Sergio Piazzi in Braga, Portugal, 16 May 2024President Kauma also had the honor of accepting the PAM Prize posthumously awarded to Martti Ahtisaari, the former President of the Republic of Finland. Kauma emphasized that President Athisaari firmly believed in the power of political will to “untie the knot” of the Middle East. The award acknowledges President Ahtisaari’s unwavering dedication to fostering peace and stability, a commitment that earned him the Nobel Peace Prize in 2008.

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean serves as a regional forum for dialogue and the exchange of practices among 31 member parliaments from the Euro-Mediterranean region.

In April, President Kauma spoke at the OSCE Conference on Addressing anti-Semitism in the OSCE Region. She expressed great concern about growing anti-Semitism in the OSCE area in the aftermath of the 7 October terrorist attacks carried out by Hamas, and urged political leaders to intensify their efforts to combat anti-Semitism through tangible actions.



Nat Parry

Head of Communications and Press

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