Battelli concludes pre-election visit to former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (2)

SKOPJE, 14 May 2011 – Slovenian MP Roberto Battelli, the OSCE`s Special Co-ordinator for the observation of the upcoming 5 June parliamentary elections in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, has concluded his pre-election visit to Skopje.

Mr. Battelli, who serves also as the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s Special Representative for South-East Europe, met Saturday with state election commission officials, representatives of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (OSCE/ODIHR), and members of civil society. Friday he met with the acting head of the OSCE office in Skopje and members of the international community.

“I am pleased with how open the election officials in Skopje have been during this initial visit the country. Our meetings this week will help us to make a more informed and complete assessment of next month’s elections,” said Mr. Battelli “I look forward to observing the rest of the campaign period and would be happy if on the day after the election I would be able to report about a peaceful and clean election.”

The OSCE PA plans to deploy a delegation of up to 50 parliamentarians to observe the 5 June early parliamentary elections, in addition to the 300 short term observers seconded by the participating States upon request by the OSCE/ODIHR, whose long-term observers just started their observation. OSCE Chair-in-Office and Lithuanian Foreign Minister Audronius Azubalis appointed Mr. Battelli as Special Co-ordinator on 22 April. In this role Mr. Battelli will lead the short term OSCE observer mission and deliver the post-election statement on behalf of the OSCE on 6 June.

This will be Mr. Battelli’s fifth time observing elections in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.



Нэт Пэрри

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