General Committees debate reports and draft resolutions (2)

2011-AS-Belgrade-RapporteursCommittee Rapporteurs Tonino Picula, Serhiy Shevchuk and Matteo MecacciBELGRADE, 7 July 2011 – Opening the First Committee meeting Thursday, Chair Karl-Georg Wellmann (Germany) presented the agenda for the coming days, which includes consideration of five Supplementary Items and elections for new Committee Officers on Saturday.

Former OSCE PA Special Representative on Central Asia Kimmo Kiljunen presented the final report of the Kyrgyzstan Inquiry Commission (KIC). In the debate, the Kyrgyz delegation emphasized that their country’s priority is now working towards reconciliation.

First Committee Rapporteur Tonino Picula (Croatia) presented his report and resolution. He reiterated President Efthymiou’s calls for OSCE reform, stressing that while globalization continues to accelerate, multilateral organizations are falling behind. His resolution is intended to provide a programme for meeting these challenges, he said.

Chair Roland Blum (France) opened the Second Committee by reflecting on the importance of building on the Astana Summit. Mr. Blum expressed his regret over the catastrophe in Japan and called for additional safeguards for nuclear power.

Committee Rapporteur Serhiy Shevchuk (Ukraine) presented his report and resolution, noting that the Second Committee has a good tradition of proposing Supplementary Items that complement the main resolution. The Committee Thursday adopted four amendments and rejected one.

Third Committee Rapporteur Matteo Mecacci (Italy) presented his report, highlighting the recent changes in North Africa and the Middle East and stressing the important role of the OSCE in promoting democracy and human rights in the region.

Mr. Mecacci’s presentation was followed by a lively discussion with several parliamentarians praising the report as comprehensive and constructive.

The Third Committee discussed 13 of 25 amendments Thursday, rejecting nine and adopting three. One was withdrawn by its principal sponsor.



Нэт Пэрри

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