Moldovan acting president meets OSCE delegation


7 March 11

Chisinau - Parliament Speaker, acting President Marian Lupu on 7 March met a delegation of the group for Moldova of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (OSCE PA), led by the chairwoman of this group, Walburga Habsburg Douglas, the parliament's mass media relations department has said.

President Marian Lupu thanked the OSCE PA representatives for constant interest showed in Moldova and the support given to settle the Transnistrian problem.

"It is not for the first time that the members of the group for Moldova of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly visit Moldova and back us to settle the problems we are confronting with," Marian Lupu said.

Referring to the prospects for the Transnistrian settlement, the parliament speaker reiterated the principles Moldova is guided by: the conflict's settlement by peaceful means and resumption of the negotiations in the 5+2 format.

Marian Lupu asked for OSCE support to settle the Corjova case, as well as to release Ernest Vardanean and Ilie Cazac, sentenced for imprisonment terms by the Transnistrian breakaway regime.

Walburga Habsburg Douglas said that she will tackle these subjects at a meeting with the Tiraspol leadership representatives on 8 March.

Another subject of the dialogue was the domestic situation in Moldova and possible ways to overcome the political crisis.

Walburga Habsburg Douglas was elected as chairwoman of the group for Moldova of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly in September 2009.

Attending the meeting were the head of the parliamentary commission for foreign policy and European integration, Igor Corman, and the head of the OSCE Mission in Moldova, Ambassador Philip Remler.

On 7 March, the OSCE MPs had separate meetings with Deputy Parliament Speaker Vlad Plahotniuc and the members of the Moldovan parliamentary delegation to the OSCE PA.



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