OSCE PA invites Chisinau and Tiraspol parliamentarians to meet in Stockholm


9 March 2011

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe presumes that a meeting of Moldovan and Transnistrian parliamentarians in a neutral territory, namely in the Swedish capital of Stockholm may become a step towards resumption of the conflict settlement negotiations between Chisinau and Tiraspol, Deputy Head of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Walburga Habsburg Douglas stated during her meeting with chairman of the Transnistrian supreme soviet [parliament] Anatoly Kaminsky.

The Transnistrian speaker accepted the invitation, and remarked that a visit to Sweden should let the guests learn more about the experience of one of the developed-most European states.

Walburga Habsburg Douglas said that stimulation of dialog between Chisinau and Tiraspol is one of the priorities of the OSCE PA Group on Moldova.

In her words, at the forthcoming meetings the parliamentarians from both Dniester River banks could focus on economic questions influencing the citizens living standards.

Kaminsky stressed, "Of course the 5+2 format negotiations ought to be continued. At the same time, there exists such a form of interaction as inter-parliamentary communication. We do not reject it. We hope that in due time we will manage to establish it".

The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly delegation was received also by Transnistrian minister of foreign affairs Vladimir Yastrebchak, who voiced regret that the region dialog with Moldova has lately seen very few positive changes, and practical work in trust-building expert groups has not received any further realization, which has decelerated the negotiation dynamics and the result that is expected from the joint work.

Yastrebchak highlighted among main thorny problems the elimination of obstacles to Transnistria's exports, and cancellation of the administrative and criminal prosecution of certain categories of Transnistria citizens in the Republic of Moldova.

Walburga Habsburg Douglas confirmed the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly's readiness to provide a foreign ground for dialog to lawmakers from Chisinau and Tiraspol.

On the eve of her traveling to Tiraspol, the Deputy Head of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly met in Chisinau with Moldova's Acting President and Speaker of Parliament Marian Lupu, who reaffirmed the main principles Moldova abides by in handling the Transnistrian conflict, its peaceful settlement and resumption of 5+2 format negotiations.



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