Ukraine's president welcomes OSCE role in election monitoring, building collective security in Europe (2)


15 September 2011

Ukraine's President Viktor Yanukovych has noted the important role played by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) observers in the election process and said that Ukraine is ready to cooperate with this organization in improving democratic principles.

"Lawmakers, and members of the assembly (the Parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE) have traditionally played an important role in monitoring the electoral process in countries participating in the OSCE. We've always paid special attention to the relevant resolutions of the OSCE, and we are ready to work together to further improve democratic principles in Ukraine," Yanukovych said during a meeting with President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Petros Efthymiou in Kyiv on Thursday.

In addition, Yanukovych said that Ukraine views the OSCE as a platform for the dialogue on the establishment of a collective security system in Europe.



Нэт Пэрри

Начальник отдела коммуникаций и прессы

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