Vice-President Migliori launches election observation in Tunisia (2)

TUNIS, 15 September 2011 – Vice-President Riccardo Migliori (Italy) visited Tunisia, an OSCE Mediterranean Partner State, from 6 to 9 September in his capacity as Head of the OSCE PA election observers for the upcoming elections of the National Constituent Assembly scheduled for 23 October.

In meetings with national authorities, leaders of political parties, members of civil society and representatives of international organizations working in Tunis, Migliori stressed that the observation mission is an opportunity for Tunisia to take advantage of OSCE PA’s election expertise and that as observers, OSCE parliamentarians are strictly neutral.

Over the three days, Vice-President Migliori met with the High Commissioner for the Fulfillment of Revolutionary Goals, Yadh Ben Achour; Foreign Minister Mohamed Mouldi Kefi; the Minister of Education Taieb Baccouche, and the High Independent Authority for Elections, Kamel Jendoubi.

In his meetings, Migliori has underlined that the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly attaches great importance to the elections, which are the first stemming from the recent Arab revolutions. Migliori pointed out upon his arrival in Tunis that a successful election in Tunisia will send a positive message to other countries of the region that are undergoing similar processes.

With local authorities, Vice-President Migliori discussed the socio-political developments since the 14 January events and assessed possible areas of deployment for the OSCE PA observers on election day. Migliori is planning a second pre-election visit for the end of September in the southern part of the country in order to visit rural areas of Tunisia and to observe the beginning of the election campaign activities.



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