OSCE PA report on civic participation presents 18 new good practices

32 countries now included in sOcialSCapE report

COPENHAGEN, 4 October 2012 – From the first political satire TV show in Egypt to Iceland's crowd-sourced constitution, an updated version of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly's sOcialSCapE report released today includes 18 new case studies highlighting innovations in civic participation.

Featuring interactive parliamentary websites in Russia and Sweden and new open data platforms in Greek and the Netherlands, the collection of case studies first started in July now includes 36 cases from 32 countries, representing all different parts of the OSCE region – including two from Mediterranean Partners Tunisia and Egypt highlighting the role of social media in the Arab Spring.

The report demonstrates how tools such as Facebook, Twitter or text messages by parliamentarians, governments and civil society can increase civic participation and good governance. By showcasing different successful ways of exchanging information, the report proves that new communication strategies cut across all borders and can be adapted to fit changings situations to improve democratic governance.

"As the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly opens its fall meeting focusing on good governance, it's fitting that we release this expanded report to show that good governance means reaching your citizens with the tools they are using today," said Secretary General Spencer Oliver. "Whether you just got your first cell phone or you read your news on an iPad, this report should be a source of inspiration for parliamentarians, governments and citizens to improve democratic communication."

"When governments and parliaments choose transparency and accessibility, authorities and citizens both win and reinforce democracy," said Director of Communications Neil Simon. "By using examples from the sOCialSCapE report or innovating other ways to engage people in the public process, leaders can help bring a new spirit to civic debates."



Нэт Пэрри

Начальник отдела коммуникаций и прессы

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