Azerbaijan, OSCE: prospects of cooperation discussed

7 May 2013

Vice-speaker of Azerbaijan Parliament Bahar Muradova met with a visiting delegation of the OSCE PA led by the Organization's special representative for the South Caucasus Joao Soares.
Muradova said Azerbaijan attaches great importance to cooperation with the OSCE, and is interested in continuation of bilateral ties, AzerTAc reports.

The sides noted that the OSCE Minsk Group carries out certain work to solve the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Muradova said: "Azerbaijan is for sooner resolution of the problem and believes in the role of Minsk Group."

Both sides condemned the policy of occupation and aggression that threatens not only a state's, but also the region's and the world's security. "Azerbaijan expects fair solution to the problem," Muradova added.

The OSCE PA special representative praised the cooperation between Azerbaijan and the OSCE.

Azerbaijan's parliamentary delegation to PA works fruitfully and efficiently, Soares underlined.

The sides had a comprehensive exchange of views on a number of other questions of mutual interest.



Нэт Пэрри

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