Election observation news conference in Armenia

YEREVAN, 15 February 2013 (Հայերեն) – The international election observers of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Parliamentary Assembly will present their official post-election assessment of the Armenian Presidential election at a news conference on Tuesday.

WHO:        Tonino Picula (MP, Croatia), Leader of the OSCE PA election observation mission in Armenia
                Tina Schoen, Deputy Secretary General of the OSCE PA
WHAT:      Delivery of the official post-election statement on behalf of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly election observers
WHEN:      11:00, Tuesday, 19 February
WHERE:    Armenia Marriott Hotel, Sis Hall, 1. Amiryan Street · Yerevan

The delegation is comprised of 30 observers from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Parliamentary Assembly.



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