Joint pre-election statement by parliamentary observer leaders - Albania

2013-EO-Albania-Pre-election-meetingOSCE PA Head of Delegation Joao Soares speaks with PACE Head of Delegation Luca Volonte and Special Co-ordinator Roberto Battelli at a pre-election meeting on 20 June.TIRANA, 21 June 2013 (shqip) – The Special Co-ordinator and leader of the short-term OSCE election observer mission, and the Heads of the Parliamentary delegations of the OSCE and the Council of Europe observing the 23 June parliamentary elections in Albania, call on all political leaders to use the remaining days to engage in a constructive process to ensure that the elections can proceed unhindered.

"We urge all members of the Central Election Commission to take up their duties without delay, and to assume their responsibility for a smooth election process. The administrative institutions of elections must be able to function separately from the political campaign, ensuring that the democratic will of voters is respected by all political forces and implemented by the authorities.

"Legal controversies should not block the critical work of democratic institutions."

Roberto Battelli, Special Co-ordinator of the short-term OSCE observer mission

João Soares, Head of the OSCE PA delegation

Luca Volontè, Head of the PACE delegation



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