OSCE appreciates Ukrainian judiciary reform


22 April 2013

OSCE PA Acting President Wolfgang Grossruck appreciates work of the Ukrainian government to reform the prison system and judiciary branch of power.

"The Ukrainian government now pays a lot of attention and is extremely active in working to reform the penitentiary service and judiciary to remove from the agenda the issue of imprisoned politicians. We look forward to the positive signals in this regard," he told reporters at the Foreign Ministry of Ukraine, ForUm correspondent reports.

Grossruck also expressed hope that the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement will be signed by the end of this year.

OSCE PA Acting President noted that he is the MEP from Austria and his country would support the text of the Agreement. "This is important not only for Ukraine, but also for Europe. Ukraine is a European state," he said and added that the talks between Ukraine and the EU are at a good level.

"I am confident that the Ukraine’s chairmanship in the OSCE indicates that the country respects all the values of the organization. And I'm here not even with the mission of the OSCE president, but with the mission of just a friend, who is trying to support Ukraine to reach the same goals. We have to respect the history of Ukraine and other countries of the former Soviet Union. The process must go step by step. I see a lot of success and it is the only right way," Grossruck summed up.



Нэт Пэрри

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