OSCE PA President expresses deep concern about attack on opposition figure in Tajikistan

COPENHAGEN, 23 April 2013 – Violence has no place in a democracy, said OSCE PA President Wolfgang Grossruck, following reports that a leading opposition figure in Tajikistan was beaten outside his home in Dushanbe.

“The OSCE PA is deeply concerned about the attack on Mahamadali Hait and calls for the perpetrators to be brought to justice,” Grossruck said today. “This act of violence is deeply troubling. Investigations should be conducted by competent, impartial and independent authorities.”

On the evening of 19 April, Mahamadali Hait, a leading figure in a prominent opposition party in Tajikistan, was attacked outside his home by unknown assailants. He was taken to Dushanbe’s National Medical Center after sustaining moderate and severe wounds.

“With a presidential election expected to be held in November 2013, we call on the authorities to guarantee that the opposition will be able to exercise its freedom of expression and assembly, as well as its right to campaign. It is the role of the State to ensure free elections in a peaceful atmosphere, free of intimidation, as outlined in the 1990 Copenhagen Document, in order to reach ideals of democracy and political pluralism,” said Thierry Mariani, the OSCE PA Special Representative for Central Asia appointed in March. “We look forward to the presidential election, which ought to confirm the right of citizens to free and open information.”

The OSCE PA observed the latest rounds of presidential and parliamentary elections held in Tajikistan, in 2006 and 2010, respectively.

The Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan (IRPT) is a leading opposition party in the country. The IRPT featured prominently in the 2010 parliamentary election campaign, and is currently represented in Parliament with two seats.  Mahamadali Hait serves as the Deputy Head of the Party.

In February 2011, Hikmatullo Saifullozoda, a member of the Political Council of the IRPT and editor-in-chief of its newspaper, was attacked and hospitalized after being severely beaten. The perpetrators in this case have not been found.



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