OSCE PA election observation mission press availabilities

YEREVAN, Armenia, 15 February 2013 (Հայերեն) – The OSCE PA election observation mission, under the leadership of Tonino Picula (Croatia), will be available to journalists for photo and video opportunities at the following times:

Saturday, 16 February         Observers in briefings            
Photo opportunity  - 1 minute
Time:               16:30
Location:         Marriott Hotel – Queen Erato Room

Sunday, 17 February            Observers in briefings
Photo opportunity  - 1 minute
Time:               13:00
Location:         Marriott Hotel – Queen Erato Room

Monday, 18 February           Observers in the field on election day
Photo / brief interview opportunity
Who:               Tonino Picula, Head of OSCE PA Mission
Time:               10:00
Location:         Polling Station 10/24, House of Journalists, Pushkin 3a, Yerevan

Tuesday, 19 February          News conference with OSCE PA observation statement
Time:               11:00
Location:         Marriott Hotel – Sis Hall

Interview opportunities:
On Saturday and Sunday, Mr. Picula and Deputy Secretary General Ms. Tina Schoen will be available for interviews upon request, but will only describe the nature of the election observation mission and will not offer an assessment of the election itself until after election day.



Нэт Пэрри

Начальник отдела коммуникаций и прессы

Офис: +45 33 37 80 55
Мобильный: +45 60 10 81 77
Электронная почта: [email protected]

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