OSCE PA President Grossruck concludes visit to Kyiv

2013-Visit-Grossruck-Ukraine-PMKYIV, 24 April 2013 – OSCE PA President Wolfgang Grossruck (MP Austria) concluded his two-day visit to Kyiv last night after holding meetings with the President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych and Prime Minister Mykola Azarov. The visit followed an invitation by the OSCE's Chairperson-in-Office, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Leonid Kozhara, who Grossruck met with several times during his stay in Kyiv.

All meetings took place in a very cordial, welcoming and constructive atmosphere. "We highly appreciate this strong signal of respect for and recognition of the important role the OSCE PA plays in the Organization," said Grossruck.

The Ukrainian leaders informed him about Ukraine’s priorities during its OSCE Chairmanship, focusing, among other items, on the conflicts in Moldova and the Caucasus, energy security, arms control and important human rights issues. Grossruck thanked Ukraine for assuming the Chairmanship and strongly leading the organization until the end of 2013.

There was further discussion regarding the EU association agreement, including the visa regime, and Ukraine's electoral law reform. The talks also offered an opportunity to exchange views on political issues of Ukraine and the relationship between Ukraine and Austria. President Grossruck stressed that he has "taken note of the signals that the government has sent out regarding imprisoned politicians." He added that he had understood "that the government is continuously working on reforming the judicial and the detention sector, so we look forward to seeing further positive signals in this regard.”

During the first day of the visit, Grossruck had an opportunity to extensively discuss institutional matters of the OSCE with Minister Kozhara, among them the role of the OSCE’s Special Co-ordinator, and parliamentary leadership in election observation. In addition, they addressed a wide range of political questions that relate to the OSCE’s “three dimensions.”

President Grossruck also met with the Senior Project Officer at the OSCE Project Co-ordinator's office in Ukraine, Rene Louis Bebeau, who briefed the delegation about the office's work, and with Austrian diplomats.



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