OSCE PA President’s statement on Tunisia

COPENHAGEN, 6 February 2013 – OSCE PA President Riccardo Migliori (Italy) released the following statement after the death of Chokri Belaid, the Secretary General of the Tunisian Democratic Patriots Party, who was shot outside his home in Tunisia’s capital today:

“The OSCE PA expresses condolences to Mr. Belaid’s family and to the people of Tunisia. Political parties representing a plurality of views are essential to democracy. Chokri Belaid was one of the leaders of the opposition Popular Front coalition created in October, gathering 12 political parties mainly from the left.

We call on the Tunisian authorities to fully investigate this crime and bring those responsible to justice. We condemn all acts of violence and urge calm as the investigation unfolds.

Tunisia is at an historical juncture and this act should not discourage Tunisians from engaging in the political affairs of their country.”

President Migliori led the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s election observation mission to Tunisia in 2011. He concluded that the elections demonstrated the will of the Tunisian people to send a clear and promising signal that the coun­try is on its way to guaranteeing freedom, human rights, and a democratic rule based on good governance and controlled by an independent judiciary.



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