Special Rep. Soares statement on arrests of former Georgian Officials

COPENHAGEN, 23 May 2013 – The OSCE PA Special Representative on South Caucasus Joao Soares issued the following statement today regarding the arrests of former government officials in Georgia.

"I have followed the arrests and detention this week of the former Prime Minister of Georgia, current Secretary General of the United National Movement, Vano Merabishvili, who is running in the internal primary to become a candidate for United National Movement, and the former Georgian Health Minister, current governor of Kakheti, Zurab Chiaberashvili.

"The OSCE PA expects the Georgian authorities to fully comply with their OSCE commitments related to human rights, and the right to a fair, independent and transparent legal process, free from political motivation," Soares said.

"Georgia took an important step forward last year, when for the first time in the region, power was peacefully transferred from one political force to another after a sound and democratic electoral process. It is important not to jeopardize this progress. The legal process needs to comply with Georgia's proclaimed commitment to democracy and European values, and not give rise to concerns about the possible use of state institutions for partisan purposes," he added.

Yesterday, in a telephone conversation with the Speaker of the Georgian Parliament, Soares stressed, once again, that "putting your political opponents behind bars will not help solve any problems, on the contrary, it will create new ones," a point which he also emphasized to interlocutors during his recent visit.

Soares recently visited the South Caucasus, including Georgia, where he discussed democratic development and reforms with President Saakashvili, Speaker Usupashvili, Prime Minister Ivanishvili, opposition parties and NGO representatives. Soares has served as Special Representative on the Caucasus since 2011 after finishing his term as President of the OSCE PA.



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