OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Bureau meets in Copenhagen

COPENHAGEN, 7 April 2014 – The leadership of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly gathered today for its first Bureau Meeting of the year, featuring a special debate on the situation in Ukraine.

President Ranko Krivokapic and the Assembly’s Vice-Presidents, Treasurer and Officers of the three General Committees were joined by OSCE PA Secretary General Spencer Oliver and the staff of the International Secretariat of the OSCE PA in the Danish capital.

The agenda included reports by Oliver and OSCE PA Treasurer Roberto Battelli, who offered a positive assessment of the Assembly’s finances. Bureau members also heard remarks by Ambassador Heidi Grau, Representative of the Swiss Chairmanship of the OSCE, who described the OSCE’s range efforts in Ukraine and the other priorities of the Chairmanship.

A special debate on the situation in Ukraine followed, during which parliamentarians focused on the role of dialogue, the importance of adherence to the principles of the Helsinki Final Act, and the risk of new escalation. The PA’s plans to monitor the 25 May election in Ukraine and visit the country ahead of the vote were also discussed.

The meeting also included presentations of draft reports and resolutions from the PA’s three General Committees for the 23rd Annual Session, to be held in Baku this summer.

The Bureau also heard reports on recent PA election observation missions and the activities of Ad Hoc Committees and Special Representatives.

Finally, the Bureau was informed about planning for the upcoming Annual Session and the Autumn Meeting in Geneva.

For photos of the meeting, click here.



Нэт Пэрри

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