At OSCE Security Committee, Ad Hoc Committee Chair Voridis outlines PA’s counter-terrorism work and identifies priorities for international community

160418 Voridis at Security CommMakis Voridis addresses the OSCE Security Committee, 16 April 2018VIENNA, 16 April 2018 – Makis Voridis, Chair of the OSCE PA’s Ad Hoc Committee on Countering Terrorism, spoke today at the Security Committee of the OSCE in Vienna, stressing the need to work together to effectively counter violent extremism, radicalization and terrorism. He provided an overview of the Assembly’s work in this field and underlined the importance of promoting synergy between all relevant bodies of the OSCE and within the broader international community.

“Terrorism constitutes one of the biggest challenges to security, freedom and to all those values that underpin our lives, founded on democracy and on the rule of law,” Voridis said. “Terrorist networks usually operate at a transnational level and are very adaptable to the situation on the ground. To respond to such challenges and to their evolving nature, we are called to ensure inclusion and comprehensive approaches.”

He noted that engagement with parliamentarians is an important step in this regard and stressed that the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly is ideally placed to promote dialogue and cooperation in this field.

“Parliamentarians play an important role by developing effective and human rights-compliant legislation, ensuring oversight of security services, promoting trust and transparency at all levels and mobilizing resources to counter terrorism and violent extremism,” he said.

Voridis discussed the activities of the Ad Hoc Committee on Countering Terrorism and outlined several themes that have surfaced during the Committee’s work. These include the need for strengthening co-ordination and information sharing between different counter-terrorism stakeholders, striking a functional balance between counter-terrorism security measures and respect for human rights and the rule of law, preventing radicalization, addressing security threats related to foreign terrorist fighters, and breaking the link between terrorism and organized crime networks.

It was the second time that Voridis, a member of the Greek Parliament, has addressed the Security Committee, which reports to the OSCE Permanent Council and is currently chaired by Spain.

For his full remarks, please click here.

For more information on the OSCE PA’s work in the field of counter-terrorism, please click here.



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