OSCE PA President Tsereteli and Secretary General Montella meet with leaders of San Marino

SAN MARINO, 14 November 2018 – OSCE Parliamentary Assembly President George Tsereteli (MP, Georgia) and Secretary General Roberto Montella visited San Marino today, meeting with Mirco Tomassoni and Luca Santolini, Captains Regent and Heads of State; Nicola Renzi, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs; and Oscar Mina and Margherita Amici from the Delegation of San Marino to the OSCE PA.

Tsereteli group shot san marinoL-R: Nicola Renzi, George Tsereteli, Mirco Tomassoni, Luca Santolini and Roberto Montella in San Marino, 14 Nov. 2018The President and Secretary General were warmly received by interlocutors and reaffirmed that the OSCE PA attaches equal importance to all participating States. They stressed that the visit not only serves to enhance co-operation with San Marino, but also to demonstrate the valuable contributions of small and large countries alike. Strong support was expressed for San Marino’s multilateral diplomacy, especially on human rights.

Other topics of discussion included cybersecurity, protracted conflicts, transnational threats, migration, and media issues. The sides also discussed the possibility of organizing an OSCE PA Autumn Meeting in San Marino at a future date.

At the meeting with the presidency office of the Great and General Council (Parliament), party leaders presented to the PA their main views on the challenges San Marino is facing, ranging from economy, tourism, the political situation and the electoral system.

The presidential visit to San Marino follows a visit to Rome and the Holy See earlier this week.



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