20 октября 2011
Kapitalis (French version) 20 October 2011 By Riccardo Migliori On Sunday, the Tunisian people will elect 218 of their fellow citizens responsible for drafting the country's new constitution. Drafting a new constitution by a democratically elected body will mark the next stage in the institutionalization of the Tunisian Revolution that started in December last year. When the Tunisian street vendor Mohamed Bouazizi lit himself on fire after
07 октября 2011
Vjesnik.hr 7 November 2011 By Petros Efthymiou (Greece), President of the Organization for Security and Co-Operation Parliamentary Assembly and Audronius Ažubalis, Foreign Minister of Lithuania and Chairperson-in-Office of the OSCE With the Fall Meetings opening today in Croatia, OSCE PA President Petros Efthymiou and OSCE Chairperson-in-Office Audronius Ažubalis have held up South East Europe as a model for co-operation. This October more than
16 сентября 2011
THE HILL 16 September 2011 By R. Spencer Oliver Like in the United States, during campaign season here in Denmark it's hard to drive a block without seeing wall-to-wall campaign signs. And like in America, the top issue here is overwhelmingly the economy. But the biggest difference in campaign season between our two countries – aside from the length – is the money. With a ban on political TV ads in Denmark, cash plays a much smaller role in the
11 августа 2011
CDA.nl ( Dutch ) 11 August 2011 By Kathleen Ferrier and Kamiel Mesie For many years, the topic of migration has dominated the political debate in the Netherlands; in particular the negative consequences of migration. Here, people (unconsciously?) use terms that generate fear, such as metaphors referring to floods, like 'migration flows', 'waves of migrants' or in terms of referring to uncontrollable quantities, e.g., 'mass immigration'. The
11 августа 2011
CDA.nl ( English ) 11 August 2011 Van Kathleen Ferrier en Kamiel Mesie Al jaren beheerst het thema migratie het politieke debat, ook in Nederland, en dan met name de negatieve gevolgen van migratie. Daarbij gebruikt men (onbewust?) termen die angst aanjagen, zoals de door Muus[1]als watertaal aangeduide metaforen die refereren aan watersnoodrampen, zoals migratiestromen, golven van migranten of termen die verwijzen naar onbeheersbare
02 июня 2011
Hurriyet 2 June 2011 By R. Spencer Oliver Amid sweeping changes to the political landscape in the Mediterranean, the reinforcement of Turkey's commitment to democracy and regional leadership is now more important than ever. The Arab Spring may very well bring democracy to countries in the Mediterranean and Middle East regions; where for too long regimes have operated without accountability from the people. A revolutionary wave of protests and
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