OSCE PA President George Tsereteli (Georgia) appointed Oscar Mina (San Marino) as Special Rapporteur on Disinformation and Propaganda in Februay 2020 in order to fight the disinformation and fake news that permeates the media environment and results in the erosion of confidence, polarization of politics and widespread confusion on important matters. He was reappointed as Special Representative on Disinformation, Fake News and Propaganda by OSCE PA President Margareta Cederfelt (Sweden) in August 2021. He was again reappointed in December 2023 by OSCE PA President President Pia Kauma (Finland).
Mina, a former Captain Regent (Head of State) of the Republic of San Marino, has been a member of parliament since 2006. He is a member of the San Marino Christian Democratic Party since 1998 and served as Deputy Head of the party Board Group from 2008 to 2016. In his parliament, he serves as the President of the Health Commission and a member of the Justice Affairs Commission.
Mina is Head of the OSCE PA Parliamentary Delegation of San Marino since 2020.
- Represent the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly at relevant international conferences;
- Promote partnerships with the Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media as well as the OSCE Chairmanship, other OSCE executive structures and with relevant international stakeholders on issues related to the promotion of media literacy and resilience to misinformation;
- Inform the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly of steps taken to counteract disinformation including related to strengthening national legislation to promote high-quality journalism, developing norms and standards that apply equally to both traditional and digital platforms, and encouraging accurate and diverse media content, while ensuring compliance with international legal guarantees of the rights to freedom of expression and freedom of the media;
- Consider relevant developments in the OSCE region and advise the President on any steps to be taken by the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly.
- Note by Oscar Mina, Special Representative on Disinformation and Propaganda, on "Escalation of disinformation and propaganda around the war in Ukraine" - 12 December 2022
- Note by Oscar Mina, Special Representative on Disinformation and Propaganda - 28 February 2021
- Remarks at European Democratic Students “Skills Training” 2021 "FAKE NEWS, DISINFORMATION AND ITS PROPAGANDA IN OSCE PA" - 23 September 2021
- Resolution introduced by Oscar Mina, adopted by the Parliament of San Marino - 25 January 2021
- President Tsereteli appoints Oscar Mina Special Rapporteur on Disinformation and Propaganda - 25 February 2020
- Tsereteli appoints new Special Representative and Rapporteur on corruption and disinformation, reappoints Special Reps - 25 July 2019