At the 27th OSCE Ministerial Council and the events dedicated to the 30th Anniversary of the Charter of Paris the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly launched the “OSCE Call for Action: Reaffirming a Common Purpose” initiative, with the goal of stimulating the work of the OSCE and increase the political attention to it. One-Pager: Call for Action – Helsinki +50 Process.
The Call for Action document (available in six languages here) reiterates the importance of implementation of key commitments by participating States, of a stronger and better focused review process, and points to the need to strengthen the role of the Organization in addressing the contemporary challenges and to enhance its effectiveness, including through the promotion of genuine political dialogue.
The launch of the initiative marked a starting point for a web-based roundtable and other events that the OSCE PA promotes to revitalize the role of the OSCE. The roundtable’s goal is to develop a roadmap and an agenda for the next phase, identifying and prioritizing possible themes for discussion, and to plan the way ahead in view of the 50th anniversary of the Helsinki Final Act. The participants will also consider ways to increase political attention to the Organization, including through parliamentary channels, such as exercising oversight in their national parliaments. Representing the parliamentary side of the Organization, the OSCE PA is well equipped to recommend potential initiatives to make the Organization better suited to tackle current challenges affecting participating States.
The first meeting of the Call for Action Roundtable “Toward Helsinki +50: Reaffirming a Common Purpose” was held 27 January 2021 with more than 130 participants, including former OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Presidents, OSCE Chairs, Secretaries General, current and former leaders of OSCE institutions, as well as members of OSCE PA Delegations.
- With OSCE’s future uncertain, parliamentarians must redouble efforts to raise support, participants say at PA webinar - 31 May 2023
- Turkmenistan conference considers the role of neutral states in strengthening security - 16 May 2023
- ‘We can do more,’ participants say at OSCE PA’s webinar on Ukraine - 19 October 2022
- Capitalizing on OSCE’s strengths and reviving spirit of Helsinki needed to build peace and dialogue, participants say at PA-Finnish Parliament event - 24 September 2022
- OSCE PA webinar participants emphasize importance of continued engagement on Ukraine - 7 September 2022
- Ending war in Ukraine and pursuing accountability for aggression highlighted as top OSCE priorities in PA webinar - 22 June 2022
- Urgent need for increased humanitarian aid for Ukraine and diplomatic push to end war, participants say at OSCE PA webinar - 11 May 2022
- Parliamentarians debate ways to increase OSCE’s support for peace in Ukraine - 23 March 2022
- OSCE PA webinar focuses on implementation of Sustainable Development Goals - 2 March 2022
- Accountability and transparency needed to build the OSCE’s human dimension, participants say at Parliamentary Assembly event - 20 October 2021
- OSCE parliamentarians discuss enhancing the role of women in peace and security - 8 September 2021
- Importance of involving youth in decision-making in focus at OSCE Parliamentary Assembly event - 27 May 2021
- Effective OSCE dialogue requires respect for shared values, participants say at Parliamentary Assembly event - 5 May 2021
- To realize its mission, the OSCE must have access to its full toolbox, participants say in discussion of consensus rule - 10 March 2021
- Parliamentary Assembly’s virtual roundtable seeks to reaffirm OSCE’s common purpose ahead of 50th anniversary - 27 January 2021
- PA presents Call for Action at Ministerial Council side event, urging a reaffirmation of OSCE’s purpose and raising its visibility - 3 December 2020
- Parliamentarians celebrate Paris Charter’s 30th anniversary, recall OSCE’s successes and urge renewed commitment to principles - 20 November 2020
- REPORT Call for Action - Helsinki +50 Initiative 3 years later, 28 June 2023
- REPORT Call for Action Helsinki+50, Informal Meeting 22 February 2023
- Katarzyna Gardapkhadze's presentation on OSCE scenarios, Call for Action Helsinki+50, Informal Meeting 22 February 2023
- Walter Kemp's presentation, Call for Action Helsinki+50, Informal Meeting 22 February 2023
Available here
Call for Action – Helsinki +50 meeting: future challenges for the OSCE, 31 May 2023
Informal Call for Action - Helsinki +50 meeting, 22 February 2023
Fifth Call for Action - Helsinki+50 meeting: The role of the OSCE in addressing the war in Ukraine and its consequences, 19 October 2022
Fourth Call for Action - Helsinki+50 meeting: The role of the OSCE in addressing the war in Ukraine and its consequences, 7 September 2022
Third Call for Action - Helsinki+50 meeting: The role of the OSCE in addressing the war in Ukraine and its consequences, 22 June 2022
Call for Action - Helsinki+50 follow-up meeting: The role of the OSCE in addressing the war in Ukraine and its consequences, 11 May 2022
Call for Action – Helsinki +50 meeting: The role of the OSCE in addressing the conflict in Ukraine and its consequences, 23 March 2022
Call for Action – Helsinki +50 meeting: "Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in the OSCE region: a parliamentary perspective", 2 March 2022
Call for Action – Helsinki +50 meeting: focus on the Human Dimension, 20 October 2021
Call for Action – Helsinki +50 initiative: Enhancing the Implementation of UNSCR 1325 across the OSCE Region, 8 September 2021
OSCE PA H+50 meeting with young political leaders, 27 May 2021
Contribution of OSCE PA SG Montella to the H+50 event on Dialogue within the OSCE region, 5 May 2021
Third Meeting of the OSCE PA “Call for Action – Helsinki +50 Process”, 5 May 2021
Second Meeting of the OSCE PA “Call for Action – Helsinki +50 Process”, 10 March 2021
OSCE PA Online Roundtable "Towards Helsinki +50: Reaffirming a Common Purpose", 27 January 2021
"OSCE Call for Action: Reaffirming a Common Purpose" OSCE Ministerial Council Side Event, 3 December 2020