OSCE PA President Pia Kauma (Finland) appointed Kyriakos Hadjiyianni (Cyprus) as Special Representative on South East Europe in September 2023.
Additionally, Hadjiyianni serves as a Vice-President of the OSCE PA. He was previously a Special Representative on Civil Society Engagement from August 2021 to July 2023.
Hadjiyianni previously served as Chair and Rapporteur of the General Committee on Democracy, Human Rights and Humanitarian Questions. First elected Rapporteur at the 2016 Annual Session in Tbilisi, he was re-elected twice, and became Chair in 2019.
He has been a Member of the House of Representatives of Cyprus since 2006, where he serves as Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Educational Affairs and Culture. He is also a Member of the Committee on Refugees-Enclaved-Missing-Adversely Affected Persons.
Follow key political and other developments in the region, including with respect to political and electoral processes, institution building, regional cooperation and the evolution of the foreign policy priorities set by the countries in the region.
Contribute to advancing regional dialogue, in particular at the parliamentary level, in order to advance regional cooperation processes, particularly in the Western Balkans.
Support, as required and appropriate, the work of the OSCE Field Operations in the region.
Contribute to raise awareness on the important work of the OSCE Field Operations.
Advise the President on developments in the region which warrant the attention of the Assembly.
Communicate with relevant actors within the OSCE as well as PA’s Committees dealing with migration and terrorism.
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- OSCE PA South East Europe envoy Hadjiyianni visits Belgrade for discussions on regional co-operation - 6 September 2024
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- OSCE PA Special Representative on South East Europe statement on violence in north of Kosovo - 31 May 2023
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- Report to the OSCE PA Winter Meeting - 23-24 February 2023
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