Countering Terrorism

The Parliamentary Assembly works to advance counter-terrorism efforts in the OSCE region.cct_factsheetJAN22.png

CCT Doc.pngWith a focus on cross-dimensional aspects of security – incorporating the political-military, economic and environmental, and the human dimensions – the PA has sought to support OSCE participating States’ efforts to develop effective and human rights-compliant responses to violent extremism, adopting over over 20 resolutions dealing with the issue since 2001.

To bring increased focus to its counter-terrorism efforts and strengthen the contribution of OSCE parliamentarians in addressing violent extremism and radicalization, in July 2017 the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly established the Ad Hoc Committee on Countering Terrorism.

Take a look at our PDF factsheet detailing the composition and mandate of the Ad Hoc Committee on Countering Terrorism. 

Through a wide range of initiatives (e.g. official visits, international conferences, expert meetings, resolutions, surveys, informal exchanges, etc.) the Ad Hoc Committee has:

  • Strengthened parliamentary engagement on counter-terrorism and identified several thematic areas where parliaments could add value.
  • Developed innovative policy guidance on preventing and countering terrorism and violent extremism (2018 Berlin Resolution) and on addressing the threats stemming from the return & relocation of Foreign Terrorist Fighters (2019 Luxembourg Resolution).
  • Contributed to the timely implementation of the international counter-terrorism framework, and in particular of key international obligations on border security and information sharing (i.e. API/PNR/Biometrics) stemming from UNSCR 2396 through parliamentary oversight.
  • Improved coordination with the OSCE governmental structures and built solid partnerships with the United Nations (e.g. UNOCT) and other interparliamentary assemblies (e.g. PAM, PACE & IPA-CIS).
  • Advocated for inclusive, effective and human rights-compliant counter-terrorism responses.


Mandate of the Ad Hoc Committee on Countering Terrorism: 

  • Advance OSCE PA’s efforts in the field of countering terrorism with a special emphasis on cross-dimensional issues, explore innovative approaches in the OSCE region and report back to the President and the Standing Committee;
  • Consider terrorism trends in the OSCE region and develop forward-looking policy recommendations aimed at enhancing the role of the OSCE and supporting participating States' efforts to develop effective and human rights-compliant counter-terrorism responses;
  • Promote inter-parliamentary dialogue and the exchange of best practices and lessons learned on issues related to countering terrorism;
  • Work closely with the OSCE executive structures and with relevant external partners on issues related to countering terrorism to improve the visibility and impact of the OSCE's action;
  • Promote the follow-up to OSCE PA recommendations in the field of countering terrorism.


Composition of the Ad Hoc Committee on Countering Terrorism:

  • Kamil Aydin (Türkiye), Chair
  • Emanuele Loperfido (Italy), Vice-Chair
  • Marc Veasey (United States of America), Vice-Chair
  • Paula Cardoso (Portugal)
  • Tsogtbaatar Damdin (Mongolia)
  • Maria Karapetyan (Armenia)
  • Pia Kauma (Finland)
  • Sverre Myrli (Norway)
  • Jevrosima Pejović (Montenegro)
  • Ricardo Tarno (Spain)
  • Attila Tilki (Hungary)
  • Madeleine van Toorenburg (Netherlands)


The OSCE PA's Counter-Terrorism Work

Below you may find the official resolutions, publications, reports, speeches, press releases and videos highlighting the OSCE PA's counter-terrorism work.

Resolutions and Publications


Official visits


Other activities



Chair Kamil Aydin discusses the OSCE PA's counter-terrorism work in Vienna, 21 February 2025

Former Chair Makis Voridis discusses the OSCE PA's counter-terrorism work in Marrakech on 4 October 2019

Former Chair Abid Qayyum Raja discusses the work of the CCT in Luxembourg on 7 July 2019

Former Chair Makis Voridis (Greece) speaks about the role of parliamentarians in counter-terrorism efforts at the OSCE PA's Annual Session in Berlin on 8 July 2018

 Makis Voridis's video address to the UN Security Council's Counter-Terrorism Committee on 2 July 2019

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