Parliamentary Support Team for Ukraine

On 30 June 2023, following a unanimous decision taken by the Standing Committee during the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s 30th Annual Session in Vancouver, the Assembly established the Parliamentary Support Team for Ukraine (PSTU) to consolidate the OSCE PA's practical and political efforts in support of Ukraine in view of the war of aggression by the Russian Federation against Ukraine. The core objective of the PSTU is to ensure that the war remains at the forefront of the OSCE PA’s activities and that Ukraine’s needs are fully considered by the Assembly.

Under the leadership of the Chair, President Pia Kauma, and the Co-Chairs Mykyta Poturaiev and Joe Wilson, the key functions of the Support Team are the following:


  • Promoting support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders in OSCE bodies and throughout the OSCE region;
  • Serving as a focal point for requests from the Ukrainian Delegation, and working to facilitate dissemination to appropriate bodies and Members within OSCE parliaments;
  • Working closely with OSCE executive structures and relevant external partners on issues pertaining to the humanitarian, economic and environmental consequences of the Russian Federation’s war of aggression in Ukraine;
  • Developing policy recommendations aimed at long-term support for Ukraine, particularly as it concerns the promotion of international justice and accountability mechanisms for the crimes committed by the Russian Federation in Ukraine, as well as the economic and environmental recovery of Ukraine.


Composition of the Parliamentary Support Team for Ukraine:



  • Pia Kauma, Chair (Finland)
  • Mykyta Poturaiev, Co-Chair (Ukraine)
  • Joe Wilson, Co-Chair (United States)
  • Stanislav Anastassov (Bulgaria)
  • Nikola Mazar (Croatia)
  • Lucie Potůčková (Czechia)
  • Hayato Josef Okamura (Czechia)
  • Mati Raidma (Estonia)
  • Pascal Allizard (France)
  • Eugenio Zoffili (Italy)
  • Boris Dittrich (Netherlands)
  • Siv Mossleth (Norway)
  • Barbara Bartus (Poland)
  • Luis Graca (Portugal)
  • Carina Ödebrink (Sweden)
  • Selami Altinok (Türkiye)
  • Nataliia Pipa (Ukraine)
  • John Whittingdale (United Kingdom)
  • Richard Blumenthal (United States)


Within the Parliamentary Support Team for Ukraine, there are three Special Rapporteurs spearheading various aspects of building Ukraine's resilience within the OSCE's comprehensive security framework.

Special Rapporteur Carina Ödebrink (Sweden)

Appointed by President Kauma, Special Rapporteur Ödebrink works closely with the PSTU, the Assembly’s three General Committees, the Verkhovna Rada, other relevant Ukrainian stakeholders, the OSCE executive branch and international partners to drive an inter-parliamentary contribution in the context of broader efforts aimed at assisting Ukraine strengthen its resilience. In the execution of her mandate, Special Rapporteur Ödebrink places particular emphasis on promoting accountability for contraventions of OSCE commitments, violations and abuses of human rights, violations of international humanitarian and human rights law, as well as possible war crimes including with respect to (1) the forced relocation of Ukrainian children, (2) detained civilians and (3) wartime sexual violence.

Specifically, her tasks include the following:

  • Raise the international profile of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s decisions and acquis related to the aforementioned areas. Whenever appropriate, promote the subsequent implementation in co-operation with parliaments of OSCE participating States and other relevant actors.
  • Contribute to greater parliamentary engagement on promoting accountability for contraventions of OSCE commitments, violations and abuses of human rights, violations of international humanitarian and human rights law, as well as possible war crimes including with respect to (1) the forced relocation of Ukrainian children, (2) detained civilians and (3) wartime sexual violence.
  • Monitor related developments and analyze trends and patterns. Produce situation reports, as appropriate and required.
  • Advise on effective strategies to counter and address the challenges outlined above. Provide advice also in the context of the Assembly’s conceptualization efforts related to new decisions (Declarations and Resolutions).
  • Regularly report at the meetings of the PSTU so as to best inform members of recent developments, activities as well as achievements and challenges.


Special Rapporteur Mati Raidma (Estonia)

Appointed by President Kauma, Special Rapporteur Raidma works closely with the PSTU, the Assembly’s three General Committees, the Verkhovna Rada, other relevant Ukrainian stakeholders, the OSCE executive branch and international partners to drive an inter-parliamentary contribution in the context of broader efforts aimed at assisting Ukraine strengthen its resilience. In the execution of his mandate, Special Rapporteur Raidma places particular emphasis on (1) societal aspects of resilience including grassroot and community support, (2) reintegration of war veterans, (3) empowering a new generation of resilience builders and (4) resilience of vital services including critical infrastructure.

Specifically, his tasks include the following:  

  • Raise the international profile of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s decisions and acquis related to the aforementioned areas. Whenever appropriate, promote the subsequent implementation in co-operation with parliaments of OSCE participating States and other relevant actors.
  • Contribute to greater parliamentary engagement with respect to (1) societal aspects of resilience including grassroot and community support, (2) reintegration of war veterans, (3) empowering a new generation of resilience builders and (4) resilience of vital services including critical infrastructure.
  • Monitor related developments and analyze trends and patterns. Produce situation reports, as appropriate and required.
  • Advise on effective strategies to counter and address the challenges outlined above. Provide advice also in the context of the Assembly’s conceptualization efforts related to new decisions (Declarations and Resolutions).
  • Regularly report at the meetings of the PSTU so to best inform members of recent developments, activities as well as achievements and challenges.


Special Rapporteur Lucie Potůčková (Czechia)

Appointed by President Kauma, Special Rapporteur Potůčková works closely with the PSTU, the Assembly’s three General Committees, the Verkhovna Rada, other relevant Ukrainian stakeholders, the OSCE executive branch and international partners to drive an inter-parliamentary contribution in the context of broader efforts aimed at assisting Ukraine strengthen its resilience. In the execution of her mandate, Special Rapporteur Potůčková places particular emphasis on strengthening democratic institutions, governance and the Rule of Law.

Specifically, her tasks include:  

  • Raise the international profile of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s decisions and acquis related to the aforementioned areas. Whenever appropriate, promote the subsequent implementation in co-operation with parliaments of OSCE participating States and other relevant actors.
  • Contribute to greater parliamentary engagement with respect to strengthening democratic institutions, governance and the Rule of Law.
  • Monitor related developments and analyze trends and patterns. Produce situation reports, as appropriate and required.
  • Advise on effective strategies to counter and address the challenges outlined above. Provide advice also in the context of the Assembly’s conceptualization efforts related to new decisions (Declarations and Resolutions).
  • Regularly report at the meetings of the PSTU so to best inform members of recent developments, activities as well as achievements and challenges.


You can find a full overview of the OSCE PA Action on Ukraine here.


OSCE PA Action on Ukraine 2014-2024



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