In an effort to promote inter-parliamentary dialogue on relevant security developments pertaining to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly holds regular meetings discussions and consultations in online forums.
OSCE Parliamentary Assembly is holding regular Parliamentary Web Dialogues for members of the Assembly concentrating on the three general dimensions: the politico-military, the economic and environmental, and the human dimension.
Another regular meetings are OSCE PA Informal Leadership Meetings.
Heads of OSCE parliamentary delegations meet online for discussions on activities during COVID-19, organizational reform and geopolitical challenges
Some 40 members of parliament participated in a virtual meeting of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s Standing Committee on 7 Jyly 2020, hearing reports from the PA President, Treasurer and Secretary General, and holding debates on international issues in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Comprised of heads of national delegations and the elected members of the Bureau, the Standing Committee meets three times a year to guide the work of the Assembly and would have met in Vancouver this week had the 2020 Annual Session not been cancelled due to the pandemic.
OSCE PA President George Tsereteli (Georgia) opened the online forum by thanking delegations for their continued active engagement during these extraordinary times. He highlighted a report that is expected to be published in the coming days by the International Secretariat, which summarizes general conclusions and recommendations stemming from the Parliamentary Web Dialogues organized by the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly since March.
Hedy Fry, the Head of the Canadian OSCE PA Delegation and Special Representative on Gender Issues, noted Canada’s regret that it was not able to host the Annual Session this year. Treasurer Peter Juel-Jensen (Denmark) presented his report and thanked the Standing Committee for having unanimously approved the budget for the next financial year. Secretary General Roberto Montella highlighted the various methods the PA has used to keep dialogue alive during the lockdown, including the Parliamentary Web Dialogues dealing with thematic issues related to COVID-19 and the informal regional meetings held with OSCE PA delegations.
Topics that came up in the general debate included the crisis in and around Ukraine, racism and police brutality, migration, environmental sustainability and climate change, discrimination and LGBT rights, resiliency and social cohesion, the continuation of parliamentary activity during the lockdown, and human trafficking. COVID-19 has highlighted many underlying challenges that must be addressed, it was emphasized. Read more...