Special Representative on Youth Engagement


Lucija Tacer was appointed as the OSCE PA’s Special Representative on Youth Engagement by OSCE PA President Pia Kauma (Finland) in March 2025.

In her role, Tacer represents the Assembly at events focused on youth issues, promotes engagement with young people in OSCE PA activities, and works to advance OSCE values with youth. The appointment was made in recognition of the work Tacer had accomplished with the OSCE PA Network of Young Parliamentarians.

The post of Special Representative on Youth Engagement was established following an event held by the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly in May 2021 as part of the PA's Call for Action – Helsinki +50 Process. At this event, young parliamentarians, representatives of youth wings of political parties and leaders of the OSCE PA met online for discussions on how to ensure a better presence of youth representatives in multilateral organizations. 

Participants pointed out that with all the crises in the world, young people feel a palpable need to develop effective institutions based on innovative ideas and to promote a culture of empathy that includes all stakeholders, including youth. It was emphasized that without a strong youth movement there can be no vibrant civil society and with no strong civil society, democracy suffers.



  • Advise the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly and President on ways to promote the role of youth in peace and security and inclusion of young people in decision-making processes;
  • Enhance co-operation and promote parliamentary diplomacy on Youth, Peace and Security agenda within the OSCE PA, particularly with young parliamentarians;
  • Maintain and facilitate contacts with OSCE Chairpersonship and Executive Structures, as well as with other national and international stakeholders on matters related to youth engagement, participation, and advocacy;
  • Represent the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly at relevant international conferences and events focused on youth issues.



Parliamentary Web Dialogue: Implementation of the UN Security Council Resolution 2250 and Youth, Peace and Security Agenda: Role of Parliamentarians, 15 June 2023

Parliamentary Web Dialogue: Dialogue on Future Generations, 5 April 2023

Parliamentary Web Dialogue: Youth contribution to strengthening of rule of law, democracy and human rights in the OSCE area, 18 February 2022




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