OSCE PA delegation in San Marino on 12 September 2022SAN MARINO, 13 September 2022 – Responding effectively to war, economic downturn and energy insecurity in Europe requires that all OSCE participating States, regardless of size, stand together in support of OSCE principles, Parliamentary Assembly President Margareta Cederfelt said today on a visit to San Marino with Secretary General Roberto Montella.
In meetings with the Captains Regent of San Marino Oscar Mina and Paolo Rondelli, the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Luca Beccari, and the delegation of San Marino to the PA, discussions focused on the war in Ukraine, climate change and security, and post-COVID recovery. Cederfelt praised the participation of San Marino in the OSCE, which she noted is significant especially for a small state. She welcomed the active participation of San Marino in OSCE PA election observation activities, and expressed appreciation for the work of the Head of San Marino’s Delegation, Oscar Mina, countering disinformation and propaganda.
“Providing a forum for open dialogue is the main added value of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly,” President Cederfelt said, pointing out however that meaningful dialogue is only possible when common values are upheld. “All OSCE participating States must stand united in defence of the principles of the 1975 Helsinki Final Act. We must firmly condemn Russian aggression against Ukraine.”
Cederfelt added that Mina’s work as OSCE PA Special Representative on Disinformation and Propaganda has been vital in countering false narratives and promoting a common understanding of issues facing the OSCE area. “Without a shared perception of reality, it is impossible to engage in meaningful dialogue, and this is why it is so important to remain vigilant against disinformation and propaganda,” President Cederfelt said.
In meetings, the San Marino OSCE PA Delegation expressed desire to increase its engagement in the Assembly, and to promote inter-parliamentary dialogue among small states in the OSCE. The sides also discussed developments in San Marino's integration with Europe, with particular attention to the ongoing negotiations to reach an Association Agreement with the European Union. It was also noted that despite its small size, San Marino is currently hosting some 300 Ukrainian refugee families.
Secretary General Montella thanked the Delegation of San Marino for its dedication to the OSCE PA and welcomed initiatives for increased involvement. “As a republic of just 33,000 citizens, San Marino plays an important role in multilateral organizations,” Montella said. “The strong commitment of parliamentarians in San Marino to OSCE values is very much appreciated and will be strengthened further in the years to come with a number of joint activities.”