Special Representative on Elderly Issues Paola Taverna visiting the Housing Cooperative “Self-Help Linden”, Hanover, 27 June 2022VIENNA, 30 June 2022 - The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s Special Representative on Elderly Issues, Vice-President of the Senate of the Italian Republic, Paola Taverna (Italy), was in Germany this week to view housing modules for elderly citizens, barrier-free apartments, residential care communities and co-operative senior housing facilities. Throughout the visit, Special Representative Taverna was accompanied by and held meetings with experts in the field and had the opportunity to view first-hand innovative living options for senior citizens.
“In preparation for my report to the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly during our Annual Session in Birmingham, I have appreciated holding consecutive visits to Hanover and Hamburg,” Special Representative Taverna said. “In Germany, I had the opportunity to enhance my understanding of strategies to address demographic aging and view German best practices.”
On 27 June, in Hanover, Special Representative Taverna met with representatives of FORUM Community Housing Federal Association, including with its Chairman Josef Bura and Romy Reimer. Further, she visited the housing co-operative Self-Help Linden and Hanova Living Plus self-determined living.
She met in Hamburg on 28 June with representatives of the Hamburg Coordination Office for Residential Care Communities, including with Mascha Stubenvoll and visited the Hartwig Hesse Foundation Residential Care Community and met with its Director Maik Greb and the Amalie Sieveking Foundation Barrier-free Senior Citizens’ Apartments and met with its Director Annika Gürtler.
During her meeting with FORUM, the role of the institution was illustrated in relation to the implementation of projects promoted by the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, by Land of Lower Saxony or at local level. FORUM provides consultancy both directly and through public initiatives, such as conferences and through the production of information material.
The experts informed Special Representative Taverna that, at the federal level, FORUM is connected with other 26 entities and is part of the German National Association of Senior Citizens’ Organizations (BAGSO). The main activity relates to model projects, based on public incentives for the construction of buildings intended for social purposes, and aimed at housing formulas for the elderly: buildings in which senior citizens and young people live together (intergenerational living), or only elderly people live (singles or couples). These housing units feature common areas in which the residents can socialize and may count on personal services (some buildings also feature outpatient treatment spaces).
The visit to the Housing Cooperative Self-Help Linden was an opportunity to hear considerations on the feeling of solidarity that has developed over time in the community of residents: examples of elderly residents who would look after the young children of a couple. Or, as had recently happened, a Ukrainian refugee who found hospitality with one of the families and received free German language lessons from a retired teacher.
Special Representative Taverna’s visit to Hanova Living Plus Self-Determined living allowed her to explore barrier-free apartments and studios. The structure also features a large common room where musical and cultural events are organized and open to all residents of the neighborhood. Further, an empty apartment is provided, where residents can stay in case of need (for example if they require rehabilitation or would like to host relatives or friends for short periods). A resident with total mobility impairments confirmed the benefits of living in the visited building.
In Hamburg, Senator Taverna was briefed on the activities undertaken by the Hamburg Coordination Office for Residential Care Communities which carries out consultancy activities for the City of Hamburg and other requesting parties, for the promotion of new forms of housing: the most frequent formula being community housing and assistance.
The projects visited in Hamburg feature apartments for self-sufficient or non-self-sufficient elderly people or people of less advanced age but with disabilities. The apartments are barrier-free and the respective foundations may also provide temporary accommodation: this formula indicates the possibility for users to temporarily use an apartment if, for example, they are discharged from the hospital and need some recovery time before returning to their home or if relatives are temporarily unable to provide assistance.
Taverna noted that both visited structures feature a large common room with a kitchen for social and cultural initiatives. Further, both projects feature a dedicated area for people with senile dementia with 24-hour assistance.
For more on the work of the OSCE PA Special Representative on Elderly Issues, please click here.