OSCE PA Young Parliamentarians address ‘brain drain’ and ‘brain circulation’ during visit to Slovenia



170325 nyp photo 1The Network of Young Parliamentarians meets in the National Assembly of Slovenia, 14 March 2025LJUBLJANA, 17 March 2025 – The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s Network of Young Parliamentarians have completed a two-day visit to Slovenia for discussions on challenges and opportunities related to youth migration, ‘brain drain,’ and ‘brain circulation.’ Hosted by the Slovenian Parliament, the visit on 14-15 March focused on fostering dialogue on youth mobility and developing policies to retain and attract young talent across the OSCE region.

The programme featured discussions with representatives of the National Assembly of Slovenia, the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, the Ministry of the Economy, Tourism and Sport, the Institute for Macroeconomic Analysis and Development (IMAD), the Government Office for Slovenians Abroad, and the Slovenian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The visit also included contributions from the Slovenian World Congress, the ASEF Institute for Education and Research, and the Association of Slovenians Educated Abroad (VTIS).

Two thematic panels addressed brain circulation as a driver for economic growth and its role in international security and democracy. The first session focused on policy measures to support brain circulation, featuring contributions from government institutions, NGOs specializing in youth migration, and research organizations. The second session explored the security and democratic implications of youth mobility, with input from Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of Slovenia, OSCE/OCEEA and the OSCE PA’s Special Representative on Demographic Change and Security, Vice-President Gudrun Kugler.

Lucija Tacer, who serves as Head of the Slovenian Delegation to the OSCE PA, Interim Chair of the OSCE PA Network of Young Parliamentarians and as the newly appointed Special Representative on Youth Engagement, highlighted the importance of the visit: “The question of youth migration is particularly relevant for Slovenia and the broader OSCE region. While young people seek education and professional opportunities abroad, it is crucial to ensure that they can return and contribute to their home countries. Strengthening policies that foster brain circulation and engaging young people in decision-making are essential for sustainable development and societal resilience.”

170325 nyp photo 2The Network of Young Parliamentarians meets in the National Assembly of Slovenia, 14 March 2025Vice-Chair of the Network, Aleksander Stokkebø, emphasized the OSCE PA’s role in amplifying youth voices: “The OSCE PA Network of Young Parliamentarians serves as a bridge between young people and international policymaking. Through initiatives like the OSCE PA Youth Perspectives, we are ensuring that young voices are heard in shaping OSCE PA policies and resolutions. Our discussions in Slovenia will contribute directly to the Youth Perspectives resolution for the upcoming OSCE PA Annual Session in Porto, reinforcing the need for concrete action to support youth participation.”

As a key outcome of the visit, the young parliamentarians adopted the Ljubljana Resolution on Facilitating Brain Circulation and Preventing Brain Drain in the OSCE Area, highlighting the importance of international co-operation and effective policies to address brain drain (link to come). The resolution emphasizes the need for balanced talent mobility, ensuring that young professionals can gain experience abroad while staying connected to their home countries. It underscores the role of dialogue, knowledge-sharing, and collaboration among governments, institutions, and stakeholders in fostering brain circulation and maximizing the benefits of youth mobility for sustainable development.

Photos of the visit are available for public use at Flickr.

For more information on the work of the OSCE PA’s Special Representative on Youth Engagement, please click here.



Nat Parry

Head of Communications and Press

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