Initiative to appoint UN special envoy on Karabakh problem 'should be welcomed'


17 September 2010

'The initiative to appoint UN special representative on Nagorno Karabakh problem should be welcomed.

If even this initiative doesn't replace the OSCE Minsk Group, at least it can have an effect on the Group's activity', Vice-Speaker of the Azerbaijani parliament, head of the Azerbaijani delegation to the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Bahar Muradova told the website of New Azerbaijan Party (YAP) speaking about the former Latvian president Vaira Vike-Freiberga's proposal.

Muradova said the OSCE Minsk Group was established by UN and received peacemaking mandate.

'Despite responsibility of the Minsk Group, other international organizations are also expressing opinions about the problem and adopting relevant documents. Some interested parties stress that only Minsk Group will have a positive effect on the peace process, but we never doubt an importance of the efforts of other organizations to solve the problem. Our successive position was so'.

Muradova noted that Azerbaijan achieved adoption of various documents within the framework of the parliamentary assemblies of other international organizations, including the UN General Assembly.

'I positively accept the proposal by the former Latvian president and UN official. The international efforts and numerous goodwill initiatives can lead the Minsk Group to be more responsible and to make more efforts to move the process forward. We saw how anxious the Armenian side was when the Azerbaijan's draft resolution was discussed at the UN General Assembly. The organization, which has a mission to move the peace talks forward, showed efficiency and gave much attention to the issue'.



Nat Parry

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