BASEL, 3 December 2014 -- The leadership of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly convened in a meeting of the PA's Bureau in Basel, Switzerland on 3 December, the eve of the OSCE Ministerial Council. Following opening remarks by OSCE PA President Ilkka Kanerva and the Acting Head of the Swiss Delegation to the OSCE PA, Christine Egerszegi-Obrist, Bureau members heard reports by Secretary General Spencer Oliver, Treasurer Roberto Battelli (MP, Slovenia) and leaders of recent OSCE election observation missions to Moldova, the United States, Ukraine and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Joao Soares (MP, Portugal), Chairperson of the Ad Hoc Transparency and Reform of the OSCE and of the PA's Helsinki +40 Project, updated members on the Project's first two seminars in Moscow and Washington. Members also heard a report by the Chairperson of the Sub-Committee on the Rules of Procedure, Peter Bowness (MP, United Kingdom), and were informed of the PA's preparations for upcoming Assembly meetings. For photos from the meeting, click here. President Kanerva will address the Ministerial Council on 4 December and has several high-level bilateral meetings scheduled.
OSCE Parliamentary Assembly leadership meets in Basel
Nat Parry
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