LUXEMBOURG, 8 July 2019 – The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly re-elected George Tsereteli (Georgia) as President today along with three Vice-Presidents and a new Treasurer. Victor Paul Dobre (Romania) and Azay Guliyev (Azerbaijan) were both re-elected as Vice-Presidents, and Nilza de Sena (Portugal), previously Chair of the economic and environmental committee, was newly elected Vice-President. The Assembly elected Peter Juel Jensen, the Head of the OSCE PA’s Danish Delegation, as Treasurer.
George Tsereteli speaks at Luxembourg Annual SessionUpon his election, President Tsereteli thanked the Assembly for its support and highlighted the value of the work carried out in Luxembourg. “I care about this Assembly,” President Tsereteli said. “This is our obligation – to respond to the needs of our people. It’s an important burden, whether it’s conflict resolution, or whether it’s terrorism, or climate change or other issues.”
He also thanked the International Secretariat and the Luxembourg hosts, including the President of the Chamber of Deputies, the Prime Minister and the Grand Duke, for making the work possible in Luxembourg.
Yesterday, the Assembly’s three general committees elected their leaders for the coming year. Members of the Committee on Political Affairs and Security elected Filippo Lombardi (Switzerland) Chair, Costel Neculai Dunava (Romania) Vice Chair, and Laurynas Kasciunas (Lithuania) Rapporteur.
In the Committee on Economic Affairs, Science, Technology and Environment, members elected Sofio Katsarava (Georgia) Chair, Artur Gerasymov (Ukraine) Vice-Chair and Elona Gjebrea Hoxha (Albania) Rapporteur. The Committee on Democracy, Human Rights and Humanitarian Questions elected Kyriakos Hadjiyianni (Cyprus) Chair along with Vice-Chair Michael Georg Link (Germany) and Rapporteur Susana Amador (Portugal).
In addition to electing officers, the Assembly also adopted the Luxembourg Delcaration.
For more information on the OSCE PA's Annual Session in Luxembourg, please click here.
OSCE PA photos are available on our Flickr page.
Please find additional photos at the Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies Flickr page.
Videos can be found on the PA's YouTube channel.
Download the Luxembourg Declaration in English, French and Russian here.