Staff of the International Secretariat in Copenhagen, 10 September 2021COPENHAGEN, 10 September 2021 – In an online meeting of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Bureau today, the Assembly’s leaders discussed current international political issues and ongoing PA activities including election observation missions and upcoming meetings. It was the first meeting of the Bureau since the elections of Assembly leadership at the Remote Session in July.
PA President Margareta Cederfelt reported on a number of appointments she has made, with several new Special Representatives and members of Ad Hoc Committees designated. The President also reported on her participation earlier this week in the Summit of Women Speakers of Parliament and the World Conference of Presidents of Parliament in Vienna. On the margins of the conference, she held formal meetings with speakers of parliament from Georgia, Uzbekistan, and the Russian Federation, Cederfelt said, as well as several informal exchanges with members of parliament from a number of countries.
Cederfelt informed the Bureau on work that has been done by the PA in recent weeks on issues such as the crisis in Afghanistan, noting that discussions have been held with PA Delegations and OSCE Missions in neighboring countries in the region. She said that she plans to visit Central Asia in the coming weeks.
OSCE PA Secretary General Roberto Montella reported to the Bureau on work of the International Secretariat, including a number of staffing changes and new office premises in Vienna. On election observation, he highlighted ongoing preparation for missions to Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, and proposed modalities for the upcoming Autumn Meeting. The Bureau agreed to the Secretary General’s proposal to hold a virtual Autumn Meeting, with dates to be announced in due time.
Vice-President Kristian Vigenin, the recently appointed Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee on Migration, reported on upcoming activities of the committee, including possible field visits. Special Representatives also reported on their priorities for the coming weeks and months. Other topics of discussion related to the Assembly’s Rules of Procedure.