International election observers for Kazakhstan’s early parliamentary elections to hold press conference on Monday

ASTANA, 17 March 2023 – International observers will hold a press conference to present their preliminary conclusions following the early parliamentary elections in Kazakhstan.


  • A press conference of the international election observation mission for the early parliamentary elections in Kazakhstan
  • Journalists can attend the press conference in person or via Zoom (details below)
  • For all others, the press conference is open to the public, and can also be followed on livestream at and


  • Irene Charalambides, Special Co-ordinator and leader of the OSCE short-term election observation mission
  • Reinhold Lopatka, Head of the delegation from the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (OSCE PA)
  • Eoghan Murphy, Head of the ODIHR election observation mission


  • 15:00 local time  (GMT +6) on 20 March 2023.


  • Saryarka III, ground floor, Radisson Hotel Astana, Saryarka Ave. 4, Astana


  • No registration is necessary if you are attending the press conference in person, but questions will only be taken from journalists.
  • For those journalists who wish to take part and ask questions via Zoom, please register with Thomas Rymer, ODIHR limited election observation mission spokesperson, [email protected], and Egor Tilpunov, media analyst, [email protected], by 11:00 local time on 19 March.


OSCE PA Media contact:

Anzhelika Ivanishcheva, Media Support Officer
Tel: +7 705 815 14 38
Email: [email protected]

OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights

Public Affairs Unit
Office: +48 22 520 06 00
Fax: +48 22 520 06 05
[email protected]

Katya Andrusz

OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR)
Ul. Miodowa 10
00-251 Warsaw
Office: +48 22 520 0640
Mobile: +48 609 522 266
[email protected]



Nat Parry

Head of Communications and Press

Office: +45 33 37 80 55
Mobile: +45 60 10 81 77
Email: [email protected]

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