The Sixth Meeting of the Co-ordination Mechanism for Parliamentary Assemblies on Counter-terrorism is taking place in Rome, on 6 December, at the Italian Parliament.
To watch the livestream, please click here.
The United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) Programme Office on Parliamentary Engagement in Preventing and Countering Terrorism was established with the support of the Shura Council of the State of Qatar in November 2020, and officially launched in June 2021.
The objectives of the Sixth Meeting of Co-ordination Mechanism are to:
- Discuss ongoing regional terrorism and violent extremism trends;
- Review the pertinent initiatives implemented by parliamentary assemblies, including in co-operation with
- UNOCT, and discuss the challenges that parliamentary assemblies encounter in their CT/PVE work;
- Share workplans for 2025, discuss the general calendar of activities of participants of the Co-ordination
- Mechanism, and explore potential joint initiatives in 2025;
- Engage in the thematic discussion on the Nexus of between Transnational Organized Crime and Terrorism;
- Elect a new Presidency of the Co-ordination Mechanism and nominate a new Chair.
09:00 – 09:40 Welcoming Remarks:
Simonetta Matone, Member of the Judicial Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Deputies, Italian Parliament - former magistrate;
Paolo Formentini, Vice-Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Deputies, Italian Parliament [virtual] (TBC);
Kamil Aydin, Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee on Countering Terrorism of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly - Chair of the Presidency of the Co-ordination Mechanism for Parliamentary Assemblies;
E. Mr. Issa bin Arar Al-Rumaihi, Member of the Shura Council of the State of Qatar;
Mr. David Alamos, Chief, Programme Office on Parliamentary Engagement in Preventing and Countering Terrorism, United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism
09:45 – 11:00 SESSION I Regional trends
Moderated by Marco Bonabello, Senior Adviser, OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
Presentations by:
Reinhold Lopatka, Vice-President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe - Member of the European Parliament and Head of the Delegation for Relations with the Arab Peninsula (10 minutes);
Ashraf Abdel Aziz, Political Advisor to the President of the Arab Parliament - Director of the Arab Centre for Counter Terrorism and Extremist Ideology (10 minutes);
Mr. Serge Stroobants, Director of Europe and the MENA region for the Institute for Economics and Peace (10 minutes).
Interventions by Parliamentary Assemblies on regional trends and emerging threats (3 minutes);
Q&A / Open discussion
11:30 – 13:00 SESSION II Thematic discussion on the Nexus between Transnational Organized Crime and Terrorism
Moderated by Mr. David Alamos, Chief, Programme Office on Parliamentary Engagement in Preventing and Countering Terrorism, United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism.
Presentations by:
Eugenio Zoffili, Special Representative of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly on Combating Organized Crime - Head of the Italian Delegation to the OSCE PA (7-10 minutes);
Riccardo Perisi, Director of the Service for Combatting Extremism and External Terrorism, Italian Ministry of Interior (7-10 minutes);
Nathalie Goulet, Member of the Senate of France, author of the book “The ABCs of Terrorist Financing” (7-10 minutes);
Ms. Fanny Fert, Programme Management Officer, UNOCT Global Programme on Countering Terrorist Use of Weapons (7-10 minutes);
Ms. France Lemeunier, Head of the UNOCT Countering the Financing of Terrorism Unit [virtual] (7-10 minutes);
Interventions by Parliamentary Assemblies (3 minutes).
Q&A / Open discussion
14:30 – 16:00 SESSION III Implemented and planned activities
Moderated by Hon Dr. Reinhold Lopatka, Vice-President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe - Member of the European Parliament and Head of the Delegation for Relations with the Arab Peninsula
Interventions by Parliamentary Assemblies:
Review of recent engagement, implemented and planned activities by Parliamentary Assemblies towards countering terrorism and preventing violent extremism (CT/PVE) related issues in the current year and plans for the next year (3-5 minutes);
Brief update on the UNOCT Parliamentary Engagement Programme:
i) results of the online survey on the key priority areas, challenges and needs; ii) activities implemented on the platform of the Co-ordination Mechanism and initiatives planned for 2025 (3-5 minutes);
Q&A / Open discussion
16:00 – 16:45 SESSION IV Revision of the Terms of References of the Co-ordination Mechanism & Election of Presidency of the Co-ordination Mechanism
Moderated by Honourable Mr. Kamil Aydin, Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee on Countering Terrorism of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly - Chair of the Presidency of the Co-ordination Mechanism for Parliamentary Assemblies
Review of the Terms of References of the Co-ordination Mechanism and discussion on a [required/recommended] procedure for parliamentary assemblies to join the Mechanism;
Key priority areas and points of improvement/development of the Co-ordination Mechanism (3 minutes);
Presentation by the Parliamentary Assembly nominated to preside the Co-ordination Mechanism (Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean) (5 minutes);
Election of the new Presidency of the Co-ordination Mechanism.
16:45– 17:00 Closing Remarks:
Chair of the Co-ordination Mechanism for Parliamentary Assemblies;
David Alamos, Chief, Programme Office on Parliamentary Engagement in Preventing and Countering Terrorism, United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism.
Giulio Centemero, Member of the Italian Parliament, Head of the Italian Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean [virtual];
Hon. Emanuele Loperfido, Vice-Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee on Countering Terrorism of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly - Secretary of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Italian Chamber of Deputies.
The Meeting of the Co-ordination Mechanism is expected to be attended by the representatives of the following Parliamentary Assemblies:
Current participants of the Co-ordination Mechanism
- Arab Parliament (AP);
- Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union (Arab IPU);
- African Parliamentary Union (APU);
- Andean Parliament;
- Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA);
- ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA);
- Parliamentary Assembly of the Francophonie (APF);
- Parlement de la Communauté Economique et Monétaire de l'Afrique Centrale (CEMAC);
- Parliamentary Assembly of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO PA);
- European Parliament (EP);
- Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of Member Nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States (IPA CIS);
- Parliament of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS);
- Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE PA);
- Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (PABSEC);
- Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE);
- Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM);
- Latin American and Caribbean Parliament (PARLATINO);
- Parliamentary Union of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Member States (PUIC);
- Southern African Development Community Parliamentary Forum (SADC PF);
- Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic States (TURKPA)
Other relevant parliamentary assemblies that work on CT&PVE-related issues will also be invited to take part in the Co-ordination Meeting and join the Co-ordination Mechanism.
It is expected that the Co-ordination Meeting will also be attended by representatives of the UN entities, including the UN Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED), and other relevant international organizations.