The 22nd Autumn Meeting of the OSCE PA took place from 2 to 4 October 2024 in Dublin, Ireland. Hosted by Houses of the Oireachtas, the Autumn Meeting included a Parliamentary Conference, held under the theme "Fifty Years After Helsinki: The Role of Parliaments in Reinforcing the OSCE’s Comprehensive Model of Peace and Security," a meeting of the Mediterranean Forum, and a meeting of the Standing Committee.
In the three working sessions of the Parliamentary Conference, OSCE parliamentarians heard addresses by ministers of various Irish agencies and representatives of international organizations. OSCE PA Secretary General Roberto Montella spoke at the conclusion of the Parliamentary Conference on 3 October. Chaired by OSCE PA Special Representative on Mediterranean Affairs Pascal Allizard (France), the OSCE PA Mediterranean Forum focused on the situation in the Middle East.
The final report of the 22nd Autumn Meeting is available here in PDF format.
2024 Autumn Meeting Report
2024 Autumn Meeting Report
Draft Programme
Wednesday, 2 October
09:30-12:30 Standing Committee Meeting | The Forum, ground floor
- Report of the President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, Pia Kauma
- Report of the Treasurer of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, Johan Büser
- Report of the Secretary General of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, Roberto Montella
- Consideration of the proposed amendment to the Rules of Procedure
- Review of recent OSCE PA activities and information on upcoming meetings/activities of the OSCE
- Election Observation Missions
- Ad Hoc Committees
- Upcoming Assembly events and statutory meetings
15:00-15:30 Inaugural Session of the Parliamentary Conference - Fifty Years After Helsinki: The Role of Parliaments in Reinforcing the OSCE’s Comprehensive Model of Peace and Security | The Forum, ground floor
- Addresses by:
- Seán Ó Fearghaíl TD, Speaker of the Lower House (Dáil Éireann)
- Pia Kauma, President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
- Michael Creed TD, Head of the Irish Delegation to the OSCE PA
16:00–18:30 Session I The OSCE's Conflict Cycle: Dialogue Facilitation, Conflict Resolution, Mediation Support, Conciliation and Post-conflict Rehabilitation
- Chair: Pia Kauma, President of the OSCE PA (Finland)
- Addresses by:
- Bertie Ahern, former Taoiseach (Prime Minister) of Ireland
- Shawn Decaluwe, OSCE Conflict Prevention Centre, Officer-in-Charge, Deputy Director for Operations Service
- Argyro Kartsonaki, Senior Researcher, Centre for OSCE Research, Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy
Thursday, 3 October
09:30-12:00 Session II Addressing the climate crisis: the role of MPs in fulfilling global commitments ahead of COP29
- Chair: Pere-Joan Pons, Vice-President of the OSCE PA (Spain)
- Addresses by:
- Eamon Ryan TD, Minister for the Environment, Communications and Climate, and Transport, former leader of the Green Party of Ireland
- Sinead Walsh, Climate Director at Ireland´s Department of Foreign Affairs
- Jim Skea, Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Professor of Sustainable Energy at Imperial College, London (remote intervention)
15:00-17:30 Session III Enhancing migration governance in the OSCE region to foster sustainable development
- Chair: Daniela De Ridder Vice-President of the OSCE PA (Germany)
- Addresses by:
- Sarah Léonard, Jean Monnet Chair on Migration, Security and Intelligence in the European Union, Co-Director of DCU Conflict Institute
- Amr Taha, Senior Regional Liaison and Policy Advisor, Regional Office for Europe, International Organization for Migration (IOM)
17:30-18:00 Closing session of the Parliamentary Conference | The Forum, ground floor
- Pia Kauma, President of the OSCE PA
- Senator Jerry Buttimer, Chair of the Upper House (Seanad Éireann)
- Michael Creed TD, Head of the Irish Delegation to the OSCE PA
- Roberto Montella, Secretary General of the OSCE PA
Friday, 4 October
09:30-12:30 OSCE PA Mediterranean Forum | The Forum, ground floor
- Debate on the situation in the Middle East
Related articles
- In Dublin, OSCE PA’s Mediterranean Forum debates the situation in the Middle East
- Parliamentarians meet on sidelines of OSCE PA Autumn Meeting to discuss counter-terrorism, Ukraine, migration, and criminal justice
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- MEDIA ADVISORY: Hundreds of lawmakers to gather in Dublin for the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s 22nd Autumn Meeting
Related documents
- For speeches and reports at the Autumn Meeting, please click here.