International Commission for the Examination into events in S.Kyrgyzstan finishes on-site research (2)


27 January 2011

Independent International Commission for the Comprehensive Examination into the Tragic Events in Southern Kyrgyzstan finished its on-site research, said Kimmo Kiljunen, special representative of OSCE Parliamentary Assembly in Central Asia, presenting its preliminary report.

“It is a great tragedy, it is hard to underestimate it," he said. “It is important to provide thorough investigation. Several commissions studied events in the south of Kyrgyzstan. We have three differences. First of all it is our status. We do not receive direct support, we did not receive mandate from international organizations and state. But we receive support from a number of European countries, USA, Russia. Commission was formed during consultations with UN, EU, and OSCE. Another difference is the composition of the commission. It consists of famous international experts of such spheres as interethnic relations, international law and gender equality. And third difference is the research scale in Kyrgyzstan."

“We provided comprehensive and thorough consultations," said Kimmo Kiljunen. “We met with Roza Otunbayeva, Prosecutor General, governor of Osh oblast, and mayor of Osh city, members of national and parliamentary commissions for the comprehensive inquiry into events in the south of the country."

Commission was formed in October 2010. It opened public offices in Osh and Jalal-Abad cities; we examined over 400 witnesses and victims: 45 percent out of them are ethnic Uzbek and 40 percent Kyrgyz. Besides, commission received over 100 written statements. 212 persons presented their information directly to the commission, whereof 65 percent are ethnic Kyrgyz, 34 percent ethnic Uzbek.

On-site part of the research will be finished on January 31. The report will be presented to the government at the end of February, in March it will be released together with Cabinet of Ministers.



Нэт Пэрри

Начальник отдела коммуникаций и прессы

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