Kyrgyzstan Inquiry Commission releases final report

COPENHAGEN, 3 May 2011 – The public report released yesterday by the International Independent Commission for Inquiry into the events in southern Kyrgyzstan sheds new light on the tragic events of last summer, OSCE PA President Petros Efthymiou said today.

"I strongly support the work of the Independent Commission headed by Kimmo Kiljunen, President Efthymiou said. "Nothing can undo the suffering or bring back the lives lost, but we are fortunate that Mr. Kiljunen and his team have worked so diligently and objectively to shed light on the historic and painful events of last June. This report should bring new clarity to what lies behind those tragic events, and I hope that the authorities and people of Kyrgyzstan will be able to use this report to make needed progress."

The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly has offered its political support to the Independent Commission since Mr. Kiljunen was first asked to lead the independent inquiry. A long-time Member of the Parliamentary Assembly, and former Vice-President, Mr. Kiljunen has also served as OSCE PA Special Representative for Central Asia.

"Transparency lies at the heart of the democratic process, and as Kyrgyzstan embarks on establishing the first parliamentary system in Central Asia, I hope the authorities will welcome the transparency brought by this report," President Efthymiou said. "The commission's independent findings should inspire dialogue and reconciliation in Kyrgyzstan, and if authorities find criminal investigations are warranted we trust due process will be followed."

Through more than 400 interviews and numerous high-level meetings, the International Independent Commission has reviewed the causes and course of the June 2010 events, qualified violations and crimes under international law, determined responsibilities and made important recommendations with a focus on accountability measures that can contribute to peace, stability and reconciliation. The commission has been supported by the Crisis Management Initiative, a Finnish independent non-profit organization.



Нэт Пэрри

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