Oliver meets with counterparts from NATO PA and PACE in Strasbourg

2013-VISIT-Strasbourg-RSO-Hobbs-SawickiOSCE PA Secretary General Spencer Oliver, PACE Secretary General Wojciech Sawicki and NATO PA Secretary General David Hobbs meet in Strasbourg.COPENHAGEN, 7 June 2013 – OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Secretary General Spencer Oliver met Monday in Strasbourg with his counterparts from the Parliamentary Assemblies of the Council of Europe and NATO. In the second in a series of ongoing meetings aimed at expanding co-operation between the three bodies, Wojciech Sawicki (PACE), David Hobbs (NATO PA) and Oliver discussed the importance of parliamentarians working together in election observation.

The secretaries general also discussed good practices in conference organization and other business related to effectively communicating the common work of the assemblies.



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