OSCE Parliamentary Assembly delegation in Sofia ahead of parliamentary elections

SOFIA, Bulgaria, 29 April 2013 – Experts from the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly are in Bulgaria this week to finalize preparations for the observation of the 12 May parliamentary elections.

Eoghan Murphy (MP, Ireland) has been appointed by the Ukrainian OSCE Chair-in-Office to lead the short-term observation mission, which will include at least 25 observers from parliaments in 16 countries.

OSCE PA Director of Presidential Administration Roberto Montella, Operations Officer Iryna Sabashuk and Senior Advisor to the Special Co-ordinator Andreas Baker have meetings scheduled today and tomorrow with the Central Election Commission, President Valeriy Dimitrov of the Bulgarian National Audit Office, Director General Ivan Getov of the Civil Regisration and Administrative Services Department (GRAO) and Miklos Haraszti, the OSCE/ODIHR on-site co-ordinator.

Tuesday, the delegation will host roundtables with representatives from political parties, non-governmental organizations, and the media.



Нэт Пэрри

Начальник отдела коммуникаций и прессы

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