OSCE PA Vice-President Aleknaite Abramikiene emphasizes importance of election commitments, observation

2015 HDIM Vilja Aleknaite AbramikieneOSCE PA Vice President Aleknaite Abramikiene speaks in Warsaw, 25 September 2015. (courtesy of Piotr Markowski, OSCE/ODIHR)COPENHAGEN, 25 September 2015 – Addressing the OSCE/ODIHR’s Human Dimension Implementation Meeting in Warsaw today, OSCE PA Vice-President Vilija Aleknaite Abramikiene (MP, Lithuania) noted the enduring value of the 1990 OSCE Copenhagen Document in helping to promote democratic institutions. Speaking during the Meeting’s session on democratic elections, Aleknaite Abramikiene stressed how fortunate the OSCE is to have one of the clearest set of electoral commitments in the world, which has served both observers and participating States well, including her own country of Lithuania.

Nevertheless, there are continuing challenges in the process of consolidating democracy in the OSCE area that need to be addressed, Aleknaite Abramikiene said. She pointed out that in some OSCE countries it is common to cite “cultural differences” in explaining democratic shortcomings, which can be misused to excuse violations of OSCE commitments.

She also spoke about the importance of good co-operation between the OSCE/ODIHR and the Parliamentary Assembly, both of which play crucial roles in observing elections – with ODIHR’s expertise in long-term observation complemented by parliamentarians’ personal experience in elections. Aleknaite Abramikiene pointed to the 1997 Co-operation Agreement, which recognizes the expertise of ODIHR and the political judgment of senior politicians.

Finally, she highlighted the recent decision by Azerbaijan to not allow a full and effective observation mission by ODIHR for the upcoming elections in the country, which forced the cancellation of that mission, and the PA’s corresponding decision to not observe. By declining to send an observation mission to Azerbaijan, the Parliamentary Assembly is standing up for OSCE commitments, she said.

The Human Dimension Implementation Meeting is taking place in the Polish capital from 21 September to 2 October.



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